What are the next steps of development after releasing ShadowSend v2?
Hi coinzcoinzcoinz,
A few of us on the team are building out the marketplace. It's currently in the first stage of development (graphic design). We're almost finished with phase one.
If anyone would like to support the development please feel free to donate to crz. He's doing an amazing job (as usual) and soon we'll have the best decentralized marketplace coupled with our top notch anon protocol! Crz's donation address, along with the phase one information can be found here
http://shadowtalk.org/topic/289/sbay/2 Any feedback regarding design should be posted to that thread.
So like OpenBazaar style? Will it be anonymous? Over Tor?
Openbazaar uses Bitmessage, Shadow uses ShadowChat, so the nuts and bolts will be different. We'll have our own solution tailored to Shadow. We'll release more information regarding the specs at a later date.
If you'd like to get involved in the funding and feedback stage please sign up on Shadowtalk and leave some feedback. We'll be releasing the first draft of the graphic design shortly to get feedback from the community on the design direction.
Now that ShadowSend 2 is out, it gives our developers a well deserved holiday break. They've been busting their butts on Shadowsend from September-December (18+ hour/day development shifts), so they could definitely use some R&R.. While we are in-between design and front end development for the marketplace, I would imagine there will be a few minor updates to improve the UX of Shadowsend. But ultimately we'll need to complete phase 1 and 2 before it would be ready for our main developers.
We had a vote in IRC a while back regarding which project to focus on next and the community overwhelmingly chose the marketplace. That's not to say that one of the devs won't also be working in the background updating ShadowChat as per the old roadmap. We should have an updated roadmap available later today so keep an eye out for that
I would ask that everyone in the community support the phase 1 marketplace efforts by donating to our designer CRZ. There wasn't pre-mine or ICO/IPO, everything is community supported, so if anyone likes the concept of the marketplace - don't be shy to show some love!