
Topic: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On - page 19. (Read 17045 times)

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 21:02:41 -0500
From: Roy Radow
Subject: NAMBLA Replies to ILGA Secretariat (Revised)

Dear Tommy-tom,

    Please replace the NAMBLA-ILGA statement which currently appears
in the QRD with this revised statement. Thanks.

   NAMBLA has been a member of the International Lesbian and Gay
Association for 10 years. We've been continuously active in ILGA longer
than any other US organization. NAMBLA delegates to ILGA helped write
ILGA's constitution, its official positions on the sexual rights of
youth, and its stands against sexual coercion and corporal punishment.
We are proud of our contributions in making ILGA a stronger voice for the
international gay and lesbian movement and for sexual justice.
   In spite of this proud history, four of ILGA's six secretariats,
meeting in New York, November 5-7, have request NAMBLA to resign and stated
that they will seek its expulsion by the general membership this summer
unless it complies. This small administrative body individuals issued press
releases on November 7 stating that ILGA "condemns pedophilia" and that
NAMBLA's "political aims... are in direct contradiction" to those of ILGA.
In particular, the statement cites NAMBLA's opposition to age-of-consent
laws as a tool for protecting young people from sexual coercion.
      These statements by the secretariats' committee are a craven and
dishonest attempt to satisfy demands by the US Mission to the UN. On
October 16, the US Mission's Bisa Williams-Manigault sent a letter to
ILGA stating that the US will seek ILGA's removal from the UN's Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC) unless ILGA "dissociates itself from NAMBLA
and other affiliate organizations whose objectives," in the opinion of the
US government, "are not consonant with UN human rights activities." In
addition, Williams-Manigault has told the press that to meet US demands,
ILGA would have to expel at least two other organizations. The Dutch
Vereniging Martijn and a US group called Project Truth along with any
other member organization that has expressed support for NAMBLA's
   The ILGA secretariats' statement contradicts the positions
ILGA has adopted over the course of a decade, and greatly distorts
NAMBLA's platform.
   ILGA's current positions on man/boy love and pedophilia are
   -- In 1985, ILGA adopted a position on "Age of Consent/Paedophilia/
   Children's Rights" that urged member organizations to "lobby their
   governments to abolish the age of consent law" so long as there is
   "adequate protection for youth from being sexually abused without
   the age of consent law."
   -- In 1986, ILGA adopted a position that says the group "supports
   the right of young people to sexual and social self-determination."
   -- In 1988, ILGA declared "this conference recognizes that existing
   same-sex age-of-consent laws often operate to oppress and not to
   protect; that in many countries, existing laws on sexual coercion
   and rules of evidence also often operate to oppress and not to
   protect; that therefore member organizations are urged to consider
   how best children, adolescents, and people of all ages can be
   empowered and supported against both sexual coercion and sexual
   oppression and to work towards that end."
   -- In 1990, ILGA "calls on all members to treat all sexual
   minorities with respect and to engage in constructive dialogue
   with them. In another position adopted that year, ILGA declared
   that it "supports the right of every individual, regardless of
   age, to explore and develop her or his sexuality."

   ILGA has also taken strong stands against sexual coercion. NAMBLA
helped write these positions, and our delegates supported them in the General
Assembly, contrary to what the ILGA secretariats imply.
   -- In 1990 ILGA adopted as an official position that "Major power
   imbalances create the potential for child abuse. ILGA condemns the
   exploitative use of power differences to coerce others into sexual
   Every one of the resolutions cited above was adopted by at least
an 80 percent majority of ILGA delegates; many were adopted unanimously.
Their status as official ILGA positions is a matter of public record. Not
one of these positions has ever been revoked by ILGA's membership, and all
have been distributed to the media as recently two months ago by ILGA's
Information Secretariat as official positions.
   NAMBLA fully supports ILGA's efforts to achieve consultative status
on the UN's ECOSOC, though we did not play any role in attaining that status.

       Any attempt to link NAMBLA or ILGA with child abuse is dishonest and
malicious. But in an effort to save ILGA's ECOSOC status, one small project
of ILGA, its secretariats have taken a dangerous step toward destroying what
ILGA is at essence: a diverse, democratic coalition controlled by its members,
not a small group of leaders.
   The following are quotes from NAMBLA position papers adopted at the
indicated times by NAMBLA's membership. The reader can determine whether or
not an "extreme divergence" exists between the views of NAMBLA and ILGA.

     "NAMBLA condemns those who exploit children and others for
   profit and pornography... NAMBLA condemns pornography which furthers
   racial and sexual stereotypes." [adopted November 11, 1981]
     "NAMBLA supports economic and racial justice for youth, especially
   for gay youth, who are often doubly oppressed. Wherever forms of
   hustling thrive on racial or economic inequality-- especially in
   third- world countries, where imperialism is involved-- NAMBLA
   condemns the inequality and imperialism and calls on men and boys to
   work actively against them." [adopted November 11, 1981]
     "NAMBLA... calls for the adoption of laws that both protect
   children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave
   them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences."
   [adopted December 4, 1983]
    "NAMBLA has always opposed any form of abuse or coercion... and       
   NAMBLA condemns rape and sexual assault." [adopted December 4, 1983]
    "Exploitation, sexual or otherwise, is neither approved of nor
   practiced by NAMBLA. NAMBLA recognizes that exploitation occurs in
   the area of hustling, and the publication of erotica, and has called
   on its members to help eliminate exploitation in these areas."
   [adopted December 4, 1983]
     "NAMBLA condemns corporal punishment, kidnapping, rape, and
   sexual exploitation. Participation in corporal punishment, kidnapping,
   rape, and sexual exploitation is contrary to NAMBLA'S statement of
   purpose. It is grounds for expulsion from NAMBLA." [adopted December
   4, 1983]

   As the above positions detail, NAMBLA has no difficulty supporting
in its entirety the 1990 statement of ILGA on the protection of children.
We reaffirm our support of that ILGA statement now. NAMBLA believes that
the attitude of the 1990 ILGA conference is also shown by the resolution
calling on "all members to treat all sexual minorities with respect and to
engage in constructive dialog with them."

   Already, several ILGA activists and member organizations have
condemned the secretariats' actions and reaffirmed their support for the
participation in ILGA of man/boy lovers. The national German gay coalition
Bundesverband Homosexualitat has declared that it is "astonished and
embarrassed" at the secretariats' actions. "We are convinced that any
attempt to expel NAMBLA and others from ILGA will be rejected by the
vast majority of ILGA members," writes BVH executive committee member
Wolfram Setz. Another German group, Verein for Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung
adds, "The fight for... fundamental human rights must not be relinquished
or reduced because of the political pressure from any government. Where
would we end up if we made concessions in this respect? NAMBLA's objectives
are as far we know absolutely in agreement with... the UN declarations of
human rights and children's rights."
   The Secretariats, by their actions, are seeking to transform ILGA
from being a "parliament" of the international lesbian and gay movement--
a place where real discussion and compromise takes place among groups with
varied focuses and approaches-- and instead turn it into a public relations
showcase for a few leaders.
   We value our participation in ILGA in part because of how we
ourselves have been challenged and have grown by talking and working
with lesbian and gay people with different experiences and perspectives
than our own. We have been gratified and encouraged at seeing others
change their feelings and perceptions about man/boy love through working
with us. Growth and understanding of this kind should continue.


In Liberation For All,


Roy Radow

Historical facts. Until it was not politically correct to do so anymore.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

 NAMBLA: Out of the Movement's Bounds
by Richard J. Rosendall

The current controversy over the membership of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) raises in sharp relief the question of what boundaries, if any, should be drawn around the Gay and Lesbian civil rights movement. The predicament is prompted by the Clinton Administration's threat to seek the revocation of ILGA's consultative status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) if ILGA does not oust NAMBLA at ILGA's 16th World Conference in New York next June. ILGA's leadership has stated its intention to seek NAMBLA's ouster, which under ILGA voting rules requires an 80% supermajority.

It is a fact the pink mafia was in full support of nambla... until it wasn't politically correct to do so anymore...

sr. member
Activity: 281
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 252

Your artice is clearly made in order to mix everything...
Let's take things in order:
1/ They say it's not good to talk about great people saying they were gays and forgetting they were pedophiles. Well if you have to say everything about everyone we shall take much more time for each and every historical person! Currently nobody talks about Oscar Wilde while saying he was a pedophile, I didn't even know it! Neither the gays nor the straights! Why should the gays say it if no one else is bothering explaining it?
2/ They talk about ONE journalist who happened to have a complicated sexualty in which he was in relationships with older men while young and with young adults (16 is NOT pedophilia, at least no in Europe maybe you have a different definition in the US). The journalist doesn't say he supports pedophilia, he mainly talks about himself.
3/ The LGBT movement only says that if you have to judge historical personalities through their sexuality you should never talk about ancient civilisations as they were all more or less both gays and pedophiles... Which is perfectly true so I don't see the problem here.

Though your article is putting a lot of effort to confuse the reader, it never shows that LGBT supports pedophilia.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet Voice of Revolution |

November 15th, 2011 by Michael L. Brown

While millions of Americans are rightly sickened and outraged over the alleged pedophile acts of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State, millions more are totally unaware that gay activists have conveniently swept homosexual pedophilia under the rug.

To be clear, I personally believe that the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.”

During a radio interview earlier this year on the Rick Amato show, Jimmy LaSalvia of GOProud stated, “I happen to think that a good school teacher, when they’re teaching literature, would mention that Oscar Wilde, when they’re teaching his work, would mention that Oscar Wilde was locked in an asylum because he was gay.”

Would they also mention that he was a boy lover and that he wrote about his passionate sexual encounters with young teens no older than some of the boys allegedly molested by Sandusky?

As noted by Jim Kepner, formerly curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles, “If we reject the boylovers in our midst today we’d better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, [and others]. We’d better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today.” (There is, of course, dispute about the sexuality of some of these men on the list, but if, in fact, they were homosexual, they were also pederasts.)

And remember that SB 48, mandating the celebration of LGBT history in all California schools for all children in all grades, is now law.

The outrage over the alleged pedophile acts of Sandusky is only matched by the gay silence over the alleged pedophile (or pederast) acts of Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, and others.

There is already a Harvey Milk Day in California, commemorating the life and death of this gay pioneer politician who has also been celebrated in an Academy Award winning film, but there’s more to the Harvey Milk story.

According to the acclaimed gay journalist Randy Shilts, at age eleven, Milk began attending performances of the New York Metropolitan Opera where he met with “wandering hands,” and soon was engaged in “brief trysts [with grown men] after the performances.” While still in junior high, he “dove headfirst into the newly discovered subculture,” and by the age of fourteen, Milk was “leading an active homosexual life.” As he grew older, the pattern reversed itself to the point that, at age thirty-three, Milk hooked up with a sixteen-year-old named Jack McKinley, one of a number of younger men with whom he was intimate.

And our kids celebrate Harvey Milk Day in their schools? Will they also celebrate the memory of Harry Hay, widely considered to be the founder of America’s gay liberation movement and another well-known friend of NAMBLA? When a gay pride parade in Los Angeles banned NAMBLA from participating, Hay decided to march in the parade carrying a sign that said, “NAMBLA walks with me.”

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this?

And what are we to make of these statements by Kramer, proudly quoted by NAMBLA? “In those cases where children do have sex with their homosexual elders . . . I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity . . . or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it.” He even claimed that, “And unlike girls or women forced into rape or traumatized, most gay men have warm memories of their earliest and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with each other, they are invariably positive ones.”

This is despicable, deplorable, and disgusting, yet Kramer remains a revered figure in gay activist circles.

And I haven’t said a word about gay activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

(Everything cited in this article is carefully and painfully documented in A Queer Thing Happened to America.)

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 252

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

Where did you see homosexuals defend pedophiles dude? Where did you see ANYONE defending pedophiles? Oo
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529
Shocking news! A new discovery was made with the promise to cure pedophilia. Scientists from a top renowned university have discovered that a small dose of assault grenades work 99.99% in curing pedophilia. Try it! It does work!

It's like bacteria? It lets the 0.01% Live in order to warn the others? ^^
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
★YoBit.Net★ 350+ Coins Exchange & Dice
Shocking news! A new discovery was made with the promise to cure pedophilia. Scientists from a top renowned university have discovered that a small dose of assault grenades work 99.99% in curing pedophilia. Try it! It does work!
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...

The point being made is that the normalization of that culture is being used to push the normalization of other things much more unsavory.

Bah, it's always the case. That's like saying bitcoin shouldn't exist because it's used for normalisation of peer to peer sharing...
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...

The point being made is that the normalization of that culture is being used to push the normalization of other things much more unsavory.
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.

Well maybe you can't know.

Two thousands years ago homosexuality and pedophilia were considered as rather normal.

Two centuries ago incest was rather normal too.

It's all a matter of perspective, moral isn't static it keeps changing.
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 500
Join @Bountycloud for the best bounties!
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.

Homosexuality is not seen as a progress... The right for homosexuals to be considered as normal human beings is considered as a progress. And yeah maybe in a few decades pedophilia and bestiality acceptation will be considered as a progress.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1003
We are the champions of the night
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.
Is the idea of consent that lost on you?  Anything that consensual adults do between themselves is fair game, whereas bringing children or animals that can't say yes or understand the implications of what they're doing is a different story.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 529
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!
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