I am sorry, but is there any chance you are shilling for shuffle.com? Because you posted on 11th October that you received a $5 promo from shuffle.com, and you posted the same thing today a few hours ago. Now, again, you are posting that you love shuffle. Well, these one-line posting is considered low-value or zero-value post, and I don't think such posts helps you or shuffle in any way. If you are just a random user, you are making trouble for shuffle.com here by posting one line multiple times, which seems shuffle.com hired you to post these comments. The community considers this behavior to be too bad. @Shuffle, I don't know who is this guy. If he is an insider, consider asking them not to vouch in this spammy way. It will make things worse only. You guys are doing fine with the signature campaign already.
I've seen this pattern over and over again. Who posts the same one-liner promoting a platform? Either you're getting sloppy, or you genuinely believe that repeatedly mentioning shuffle.com's $5 promo is gonna entice us. If you're trying to game the system, you're not even doing it right. LOL. Shuffle.com, if you're listening, you have to work with your so-called "promoters" They're killing your brand, not helpin