Anyone here can access the website? I was offline for a long time and now it’s showing error 403 when I’m visiting to check the Christmas promotion.
Is there any update on the ToS about restricted country or the problem persists in general?
I am able to access the site very easily but sometimes I face some problem that sometimes it doesn't work through my SIM internet connection and sometimes it works. But the site can always be accessed very smoothly through broadband connection.
Anyway I have been playing blackjack for a long time but I can't pass my level. I've searched a lot on the site to see how many dollar bets I need to complete to pass my level but I still can't find it.
So far I have managed to fill it with 86.80%
Stake will never tell you or specify how many dollars required before the level meter get filled so that you are promoted to the next level, and this I believe is because, the faster or slower the meter fills depends largely on the game you are playing.
Honestly, I am not 100 percent sure or certain how the calculation is done or works, but based on my own personal experience, which also could, maybe mean that I was possibly missing a thing or two, I have observe meter when I played games like slot, and the meter seems not to be getting filled, or maybe the increment was way to slow for it to noticed with naked eyes.
But when I played casino games and sports betting, the meter moved significantly that I noticed it, and this I played with a smaller amount of money compared to the amount i played slot games with.
Like I said above, I am not 100 percent sure about, I could have missed or mixed somethings up, but the fact remains that, stake will not specifically tell us how many dollars more we need to wager before the bar gets filled.
And by the way, congratulations on how far you have come, you will become a bronze level stake user soon