IMO, there's no law in gambling mandating that a gambler must share part of his winning with eith friends or fellow gamblers in the gambling house, for that, you owe no one an apology either or not you chose to give a penny whatsoever. Let stop the self entitlement claims towards fellows gamblers that won big amount of money. The attitude is disturbing.
source.I saw this when it was trending on Twitter the other days, some were supporting the guy who copied the code to play the game and some where supporting the real owner of the code that share it to the public. So many argument here there and I came to a conclusion that sometimes, you need to be private and it's not everything you bring to the public but I understand his feelings, using a token to bet and then turn out a jarkpot is a crazy experience.
We need to understand something about been a punter(bettors with large gambling base), because they share code of games doesn't mean they are entitled to what anyone win or lose. If people win from your games, it means you are very good predictive games and more followers will follow you and with more fans, you can use them for marketing and adverts.
The guy in particular was very wrong to criticize him for giving him small amount. What does he have to say about codes he shared in the past that were very bad, didn't win anything and they loss everything? Before some of them win bets, it takes 29 days of 30 days to lose all the bets in this days and will win just one out of the 30 days. Now why not pay for the losses of the followers he has been sharing code bets to, that's bad of him to expect something from his followers, this is greed I must say.