It's kind of becoming a norm in the gambling house for people to act with some sort of self-entitement to other gamblers money just because it was money won through gambling. Some even go further to argue that using so little amount to winning so much amount of money you ought to share it with others in a ratio of 60:40. What a nonsense!
These people should start gambling so that they will know how much we lose first before they say this kind of shit to us.
It's not like we gambled for free, it's our money that is on the line and it is also our analysis that made it win and not theirs. I call these people beggars. And I'd rather give it to gamblers who will tip me if ever there comes a time that I am broke than those who will not give me anything in return but just criticism about the money I gave them.
Whatever the amount a gambler gives, appreciate it. At least he is not selfish to share his profits. Those who ask for more are the plagues who don't even realize that it's not their money that was put on the line.
IMO, there's no law in gambling mandating that a gambler must share part of his winning with eith friends or fellow gamblers in the gambling house, for that, you owe no one an apology either or not you chose to give a penny whatsoever. Let stop the self entitlement claims towards fellows gamblers that won big amount of money. The attitude is disturbing.
A gambler will choose if he wants to give or not and in any format and amount that he wants. Some do giveaways thru trivias while others will just rain it down to other gamblers. I like it more when they do trivia, make them work for it. Not like crocodiles with open mouths waiting for their prey.
But like I said, it's a gambler's choice on how he wants to give out the money he won. Some could just stay silent and its totally fine.