Suicide defies all of Natures basic instinct to survive....When a person wants to commit suicide there is something very wrong and Intervention should be there.
Humans are the only creature on the planet to Defy Natures natural programming....Survival is written in the Very core of every single creature.
We are either Very Gifted from God to overwrite nature or very Flawed....Which is it?
IMO: i Think if a person is having these thoughts they need Intervention and help.
The idea that nature does not have suicide has not really been studied. I could point to aspects of nature that are suicidal but its for a continuation of the species.
But you also mention "God" so I guess Its safe to presume you are working off a ideology from the bible.
The idea that suicide is wrong is from the bible,anyone that is against suicide is usually acting on that premise and may not know it. Its so deep routed like other Christian beliefs people pass it off like it is part of societies rules. Will do some research,recall reading something about suicide becoming a sin due to worry about it spreading. Ugh wish I could recall this!
Create a non-judgmental haven for people to go to that offers support,medication if needed and at last resort a place to die in a safe comfortable manner.
We would have less people traumatized from seeing people commit suicide and would have a lot less distraught 911 calls that tie up the police. I consider that stance that suicide is wrong to be like the war on drugs,it is not working and its a stale way of thinking.