When I ordered and paid in July the KnC page said 400 for a Jup. It said October in huge letters for delivery.
That was what tipped me over to ordering. The fact that it would be early enough to have a chance of breaking even, and also that KnC understood that by their (back then quite frequent compared to now) statements about difficulty being important.
What has been delivered to others has not been double that, has on a lot of occasions not worked close to that spec even in hosting.
In any case, the speed is moot if you don't have the rig hashing. This is all non hardware related we hear, it's firmware. If so, what's the production delay? Why not churn them out and update the firmware ? If what we have been told is true about the production times and lines they could have finished them all days ago. 500 a day should be easily possible. 30 assembly benches..8 hours a day. Easy.
How can such magnificent engineers not know the production capacity of their own factory? It's fucking basic. In a real business it would be the deal breaker for funding in the business plan (pre-order avoids the need to actually know these basics for backing doesn't it?). The timing of the batch being all complete should be known for definite.
These facts simply don't go together. Rigs change status and nothing moves. KnC STFU completely.
Meanwhile we all know we are losing money and worry that we may take delivery of a malfunctioning machine after all this time.
Add to this the attitude that being pissed off about all this over promising and non delivering is somehow trolling? We don't look at this as some marvellous experiment that we can get into for free and make millions whatever happens..to us it's seeing a company and product, measuring their promises against what seems possible and investing our money based on those promises. The only pleasure we get is a box arriving and the rig working..then we breathe a sigh of relief. Even if it's a day or two late.
Right now, those of us who haven't seen that box, we're not having fun. We have no solid information and even though they know how things are, they don't have anyone working to even answer the phone. We're all losing the possibility of breaking even in return for putting our trust in KnC. They seem to think we're stupid for that. Or it simply doesn't matter.
Oh and forget that "we're all busy" crap...they have a hell of a lot of money to hire a few temps for a week like any other very busy business does. To assemble, answer the phone, send email updates, free up someone who can etc.
Taking the piss.
I'm very close to invoking distance selling regulations and quoting "EU Consumer Rights Directive". If I do not have a confirm shipping number by end of the day 15th or an Indication on compensation for delay and my loss.
KNC are shit hot Engineers (but engineers should not run companies) , there reputation as a company is what people will remember, how they treated their customers is what people will remember.