KnC originally promised Jupiter at 250Gh/s for $7k.
sure, 7k without VAT and delivery during end of summer.)
Actually Xialla it was 250Gh/s delivered in 'early Autumn'; my stance always has been that I would like to work for them if they can really live upto their claims. They have and they asked me to come to Stockholm the weekend prior to the ASICs being received by hand courier to watch a very tense and stressful engineering feat and document it to the community, placing their necks firmly on the chopping board for all to see, warts and all. I haven't signed any contract yet, I haven't been paid yet, I haven't even received my own order yet.
They have never lied about performance specs or their intention to deliver on time.
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones...
How could you ever accuse me of throwing stones?
In sentence #1 of my endorsement thread I openly disclosed I was being paid by Hashfast. Now that batch 1 had been sold out that is no longer the case.
I sense all sorts of obfuscation in your answer in the form of "yet". Let me try to be more specifi. Have they "implied" that you will be paid or compensated in the form of cash, btc, chips, equipment, employment, special favors or anything of a quid pro woo nature for all that you've done, which is substantial and easy beyond the call of duty as an ordinary customer?
I take it they paid your way to Sweden and are paying all your expenses?
Nope currently I have. I would then bill them at a future point in time.
fine, answer the other larger part of the question.
No I have not had any indication that I would be compensated for my time beyond that I now feel is unreasonable this side of September. That said my ability to keep this ship on course throughout such stormy weather and in light of the fact many based their purchases based on the factual evidence I shared and told the, to verify with further due diligence of their own, I certainly feel my time is worth something, from those that purchased here as well as KnC themselves considering they now have an affiliate program I've still yet to participate in. I have a tip Jar in my sit below that had only 2BTC the other day from thanks from members on this forum after all this time, it's now 3 thanks to Bargraphics. Despite all the demands and abuse, I can honestly state greed outweighs generosity here, and I'm starting to get quite tired of this. This is my first real day alone to myself and I'm laying in bed in the hotel, exhausted, still on this damn thread.
The throwing stones aspect was related to how late your company will be and how they went about coercing people into parting with funds for a product that cannot be delivered in that timeframe.
actually, i feel sorry for you. let me shift this to KNC:
why aren't you (KNC) paying Rama after all he's done? at least offer him an hourly salary. and wtf are you doing letting a non-employee onto the assembly floor to help assemble, package, and ship units? there are labor laws against this sort of thing, you know.
while i still have a problem with how Rama treated me in my thread, and probably always will, at the very least he was trying to promote and help you (KNC) sell units which is a highly valuable service (obfuscation) that has probably netted you (KNC) millions.
at least i had the self respect to demand payment upfront for my services.