Every time I open this thread, always extra 2-4 pages and it's always the same few people posting
But no KnC, which annoys me. (as Orama != KnC)
yeah, it astounds me to no end.
everyone always bashes HF as a scam yet they are all over the place on their threads with multiple employee participation.
plus, i'm not an employee, nor getting paid, yet i do my best to answer Q's.
It's not about you. This annoys me too.
huh? of course it's not about me.
what i'm talking about is the relationship btwn Rama and KNC. it's really one of the most bizarre i have ever seen.
What? Go out and check a company exists because it's a lot of money and I want to purchase myself, plus have a sniff around as it's inline with what I studied my post grad in and I have an interest in Bitcoin.
Report back and share what I found out, which could then be confirmed independently by yourselves.
Made to feel kind of responsible by people here on the forum constantly asking for more info, and Sam wanting me to handle communication, due to the fact Sam, Andreas and Marcus are overloaded with work and a geoups of IC whizzkids with Aspergers should never be put in the public spotlight. Refusing to do so on my part on an employed basis until they have a proven working product.
All I ever did on their side before, and after the open day was make some solid suggestions; this is a burnt community, make sure you under promise, and over deliver, get on Board with Life on Bitcoin, etc.
I'm not f-in stupid w.r.t. my responsibility. All I have ever wanted was;
1. No one getting ripped off, so inform and make logical choices. Though entirely your own fault if you won't read and research and make educated decisions for yourself. Those that listened to me are clearly happy, though never have I told anyone what to do, just what I was doing.
2. Wanted to see a real engineering firm deliver through talent and not spread marketing lies to tie up people's funds under fraudulent false pretence.