What marketing BS?! We knew Bitfury was going to exist months back. I never doubted the guy. The biggest upset was Bitsyncom, most of their hashrate never appeared. Anyone who had orders elsewhere stand in a better position, well except BFL, but we already knew that, and I never wanted peeps to loose out with Bitsyncom. The funny thing is nothing changed about me this entire time, just because I took a bullet for visiting people have always had a hang-up on me having nefarious intention, which, and this is utterly hysterical for me, I never, ever have. I went for myself, and relayed what I saw. I then made some predictions based on common sense fact on KnC and some other companies, and have been write every time. So unless I have had a crystal ball, it's safe to say there's been a common sense method to my madness. Some peope here are just having a hard time accepting this. Props to Bitfury, I just would rather want to deal with the source and not intermediary distributors who are unknowns, I stated that at the time. In a week we'll know if KnC can deliver. Nothings changed, except the difficulty is currently no where near where it should be by now.
I am getting tired of you.
if you never doubted bitfury, why did you ask for some videos of working bitfury miners few days ago? why do you keep repeating that KnC has no real competition?
and how did you exactly took a bullet? its obvious that you didnt pay for your knc miner.
I have paid orders. It's the entire reason I went. Do you honestly think I went and said, hi you don't know me, but i've clearly been looking into you and without knowing how this will turn out, why don't you give me hardware and i'll type about you. Daggeteo went, JohnyJ went and wrote up, none of us got paid. I had conducted more research, had a greater professional interest, English is my first language, i'm articulate, I had some fun with a write-up. Get over it.
By taking a bullet i mean this rampant obsession in trying to prove something nefarious has occurred here, when it hasn't. It's obsessive from the trolls, as I will not back down from douchebaggery.
Why did I ask for a video from Bitfury? Well read what I wrote? Was I calling him a liar? no. I just wanted to see a video of the chip hashing. I wanted to see proof of power consumption based on the chip, not on a USB miner, as the only proof I can find are from videos showing Biutfury usb miners where all the other components have to be taken into account. yet at the same time I hear conflicting reports about power being equal to 0.5-1 w/Gh/s. So I asked a reasonable request as to whether any proof existed as opposed to having conflicting answers. Why is that hard to understand? Again you're hung up on KnC and me, not me. I get jumped on whenever, w.h.e.n.e.v.e.r. I ask about anything outside of KnC. It's ridiculous. You make up this shill thing in your crazy obsessive minds, not me. I have as much interest outside of KnC as I do in, as I care about the subject. I have a direct interest in KnC as I have paid orders with them as I have always readily admitted. fuck me this gets tiring. I cannot even be bothered to censor myself anymore.