Bitfury sucks are you on crack. It will be just as worthless as these units. The only company to order from would be xcrowd who will offer you a gaurantee up to a certain difficulty and provide much more hashing power. Or cointerra which their high hashing power might be a guarantee for delays.
Those are the only logical options. Cointerra seems it will be the winner if they keep their promise of long term mining equipment it means they will offer some serious hashing power for much cheaper which will make other manufacterers cut pricing.
And which will effectively kill avalon and bfls shit businesses.
Bitfury you can buy almost now with proven tech.
KnC you will know hopefully in under 45 days of which you are protected at least by Paypal's 45 day window.
X-crowd has no proven tech and no known design team. They apparently have funding and apparently will deliver, yet for some unknown reason they demand you pay and have your money held hostage in escrow from now until whenever they are ready for no reason other than to prevent you purchasing elsewhere.
Cointerra good luck, but people are tied of pre-orders even of proven tech, let alone stuff that will be coming out around January. Doesn't matter how low they go, or x-crowd, fact is KnC owners would have the jump on the ROI before them, the lions share of the money to be made is now-Dec. So what if a cheaper more efficient chip comes out then, hashrate will have exploded so much that their 28nm advantage is negated by crossing the start line 4 months late.
These units will not be worthless, THESE will be the ones banking as ROI will have already been reached by then, hopefully. Certainly more chance than the others will have.