I think people get greedy and want to scare others away...
Yep, and forecasting network rates and recovery rates has a whole lot in common with Zeno's Achilles Paradox. Those pesky assumptions and comparative statics.
Ah, well, it's the weekend, and even the network knows it: it's down to 177, off a high of 280. Miller time.
[EDIT]: One other point, RE: FUD. The person being accused of that, IMO, simply holds the professional opinion that OrSoC, in pushing the limits of foundaries' process efficacy, has made a fundamental, maybe fatal, strategic design mistake.
That's not "the sky is falling" FUD bullshit. Maybe he'll be right, or maybe he'll be wrong. Anybody who's smart and has a dog in the ring will read that, and toss it into their own decision mix. Those who don't even want to hear of the possibility will shoot the messenger and call it FUD.