Ok, look I'm about to sit down and tackle this now. I flew back yesterday and had some bits to sort out due to being away the past couple of days. At some point I also need to make the bank as they were shut the entire weekend and it was past 5pm when I made it through passport control etc. yesterday.
I have hours worth of audio recording to go through.
Every question was answered, but at points answers were expanded on and there were four other guys also present who whilst allowed the q's to run their course had their own questions/input, plus the 'KnC hotline' buzzed throughout with Andreas and Sam taking it turn to answer, so there was the occasional stop/start as we waited for one or the other to return. So thanks for everybody that had to call repeatedly throughout the open day.
For an open day that started (for me at least) at 2pm, we didn't leave till 7pm, and some of the guys had actually been there since morning. So I hope anything I may forget to mention / may not have been present for will be raised by someone else in attendance.
Daggeteo made a recording which lasted a couple of hours, during that time my iPhone did stop recording at one point without reason, but was fine the rest of the time, so there will be a but of fun working where that happened. Also the video of Mars has some account information Daggeteo wants to make sure isn't visible whilst it was directed at his wallet, as I don't have video editing software on the laptop I will have to find a means to share that with him, so he can see what he is/isn't comfortable with. He mentioned 'blurring out' his personal info. So I will let him handle that.
In any case I have to listen through it all despite remembering most from memory anyway. I'm not typing a transcript though...that would take forever! Plus there were a few off-record moments, but only really pertain to thoughts and opinions with respect to competitors which I pursued and Sam was happy to give an answer as 'Sam Cole', but not a formal opinion as KnC. This purely comes down to the fact KnC are happy to acknowledge what competitors are doing/ where they are at, but not support, condone or criticise actions on a professional level. So whilst Sam was unreservedly honest with those in attendance with respect to whatever was fired at him, and gave his personal professional opinion, this is not about defaming or gossiping about anyone person / entity; that would not be sportsman like so he has asked for those thoughts to be kept private. The day was about KnC.
There was more than me in attendance, and they were all bright guys, so if any of them want to chime in and reveal anything, whilst I tackle this, they are more than welcome. It's not about keeping you lot in the dark, just that there is a lot of audio to listen to with interruptions so this will take some time which is obviously magnified by 100 in bitcointalk time! Chill please, KnC hid nothing, and those ragging on them not dropping everything, payment issues etc., seem to forget a few things; namely they are human (and likely to be divorced come September!) - Sam's up at 4.30 am every day, tacking answer messages and emails left overnight, aside from Mars they've had a mountain of admin, applying for VAT licenses in every EU country (done), liasing with lawyers, many conversations with Paypal and they for sure were having a few visitors yesterday (Tuesday) as well, including one guy coming from quite some distance outside Europe, so he was getting their undivided after making that much effort!!
Concerning Paypal and the preorder resale; the admin involved in confriming name transfer is actually a means to appease Paypal and curb the fraudulent eBay sales Paypal is unhappy about with respect to BFL and Avalon units. Not to mention Cryonics etc. That said, the initial 1-500 orders was a nod to those that helped Andreas and Sam secure ORSoC. Without that this project would be grounded.
There is nothing wrong with the KnC Paypal account after the initial sharp increase in sales. Where guys (or girls) are continuing to encounter issues are generally down to one of two factors;
1) Specifically Asian customers. Paypal is not a dominant payment method in some of those areas, China for instance, as such, Paypal encounters issues with the Asian addresses, simply it doesn't recognise some of their address formatting. This has been resoloved in some cases, through trial and error on the part of the customer as they try entering their address in a means Paypal is happy with. This was the case with one particular blogger who wrote a negative article based upon one Asian customer, only to have that Asian customer leave a comment stating it had been resolved. That same blogger has writtenw other articles stating KnC need to reach out more, yet when they have he has just ignored their attempts to bash them for readership.
2) Paypal will only accept payments of these sizes if your delivery address = your bank account/ card issuing address. If not they will decline. This is not the fault of KnC, it's a security requirement of Paypal and pretty logical, but Paypal just advise you take it up with the merchant as a stock response instead of detailing and dealing with customer service their end.
Other issues will generally be the bank/ card issuer flagging an unusual transaction as a standard security procedure.
No one is getting knocked in queue order, it will all be handled fairly, just don't be impatient and please for their sake appreciate they operate on the GMT+1 time format even if bizarrely Stockholm is in complete daylight come 3am in the morning!!