It has been a while since I replied I know.
What I can say is that we ARE listening to the feedback you're all making via email/Facebook/twitter and of course here on the forum. There are some very interesting ideas floating around. We are taking note as we need to produce a product that our customers can actually use.
So we will look at producing other types of devices etc.
to make clones of the Avalon Miner for re-sell.. very smart..
Thanks Dan we actually want to see all types of legitimate competition in the market. That puts pressure on all parties involved and should put a stop to companies treating the customers as badly as they have been treated in the past.
We are up for the challenge I can assure you all of that.
Sam, Thanks for dropping by and glad that you do sometimes read the comments in this forum, how many more pages to read in this thread before we could see a working real life model of your FPGA and Asic Bitcoin Miner.? You just need to produce proof in videos and photos of your working
product models with some detail specs in order for us to start ordering this products from you. We need ACTION .. the talk and talk is over. yep is over.
Whatever they release must be a guaranteed 2 month ROI or I'm not buying it and I don't think others will either. They should give it enough Ghash that we get our money back no matter how much the difficulty is expected to rise. If they cannot do that, it's a good idea to just mine Litecoins.