Early March
Why don't you call KNC and ask for a
BTC-refund ?
Never mind if you ask for a cash- or BTC-refund: They write you back that they are "extremely busy" and will not give you a refund or a date when they will refund you.
I have meanwhile contacted not only the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, but also the embassy's trade department of our country in Sweden. Furthermore, I have filed a claim and highly recommend that everyone of you does so, too. You can download the document here:
http://www.kronofogden.se/download/18.3ad14b751432a2e49d11da1/1389777725396/9012B11.pdfAnd here you can read more about the following proceeding:
http://www.kronofogden.se/Applicationforinjunctiontopay.htmlMainly interesting for me is the following:
http://www.kronofogden.se/WhattheEnforcementAuthorityisallowedtoseize.htmlSo basically, I have requested that they would also seize all data regarding the financing of KnC's operation. This information may be crucial for submitting it to a lawyer who should file a criminal complaint if he finds any wrongdoing - and normally, such a wrongdoing can be found. If a criminal case is successfull and you have filed a claim that KnC has to pay for damages, you are in a pretty good situation if your financial (civil) claim has been approved.
And damages are here: With the assets witheld by KnC 20nm AB, you could have bought a miner and made BTC and may have sold them. So make sure you already have a good documentation of when you sent them which mail.
Also: Kronofogden explicitly writes:
You can apply for an order to pay provided that:
the payment due date has passed
you are able to affect the debt via a hearing (it can be settled)
the debt is monetary.
So first send KnC a mail giving them a last deadline for payment.
If you have agreed to be paid by Bitcoin: Inform them that you retreat from this offer and - after they have failed to pay you in US$ and Bitcoin - now request a payment in US$. Otherwise, your order to pay surely will be rejected by the authorities.
This retraction from a payment by Bitcoins HAS to be sent to KnC BEFORE you send the letter to Kronofogden.
This is the information I received up to date from our embassy as well as from the Chamber of Commerce. I'll post any additional information I receive.