Somehow remarkable how Avenger called it FrankJupiter...and now people receive dead bodies they have to reanimate.
If this is not a really bad joke I don't know what else it is..
It's just MORE proof KNC are cheap bastards. As I said before, the 90 day warranty was a dead giveaway they were going to ship something sub-standard they hoped wouldn't last more than 3 months. And I think they are hoping after 3 months it would then fall to pieces, so that a fair amount of hashrate would drop off the network. You can't trust a company who is competing against you! That is why I believe they would be shipping grade b boards that didn't pass QA for their datorhall.
The fact you have 5 dead boards could be due to them being damaged in transit, or specially selected lemon's from KNC's trash. With the amount of boards they have produced for their datorhall, they likely have 100's of sub-optimal boards. They are such a cheap company, they aren't just going to throw these in the trash, waste all those lovely components.
A lot of people got 3 good boards and 1 die0 board in October (although some of us got more), which I always thought was very *unlikely* to be by chance. The fact that 3 good boards and 1 die0 hashes over 400GH/s and they started sending out emails saying anyone who got over 400GH/s could not RMA the die0 board was a good proof. But I cannot prove it beyond that "Columbo" hunch So I *think* they intended to ship each Frankenjup with a few lemon boards, hoping they'd last 3 months but also making it difficult for people to return them. It would not be out of character with what knc have done before. How come knc didn't put 6 connectors on all controller boards? It would take the pick and place a matter of seconds and the components only cost pennies. Because knc are cheap bastards.
How come knc shipped $7000 rigs in pathetic single walled cardboard boxes at the beginning of October (until we screamed at them so much they got better ones)? Because knc are cheap bastards.
How come knc switched from UPS to fedex in October? Because they wanted to blame the shipping company for any damage to the rigs (de-ja-vu anyone??), damage which they could claim they are not responsible for. Because knc are cheap bastards.
How come knc shipped *used* boards (this definitely happened) to customers who RMA'd *faulty* boards? Can you imagine someone shipping you used boards to replace faulty boards?! Because knc are cheap bastards.
Why did KNC not fix all rigs that had die0 boards immediately last year, now that we know it would have cost them very little? Because knc are cheap bastards, who don't give a damn about their customers - only about getting their greedy hands on customers money.
Why did KNC force so many customers over the last year to return faulty goods at the customers own expense, breaking their own T&C's? And ask them to commit fraud by writing down the cost of the rig etc to some nominal value? Because knc are cheap bastards.
How come knc shipped the Frankenjups in a cheap, plain box which doesn't even indicate which side is UP?! And blame UPS for mishandling it?! Because knc are cheap bastards.
Why did knc switch to a coolermaster heatsink for the frankenjup, which does not have a metal plate to bolt it down like the more expensive arctic i30? Because knc are cheap bastards.
So why did I know it would be a Frakenstein 3TH Jupiter. You've guessed - because knc are cheap bastards. Can you imagine these guys are muli-multi-millionaires and they do everything to shave a few pennies off! I knew they would go for the cheapest solution, cheapest build. And I knew they would not be good quality and fully tested because they did NOT have them in stock - they just cobbled them together in the last few weeks and shoved them in boxes. And we'll see more proof of that I bet, because they will have to stop production and shipping until they come up with a solution that means these things will not self destructing during shipping, so knc look like they will maintain their 100% record of late shipping.
Once again, don't let knc force any additional costs onto you guys who got one of these disasters. I'm sure they'll try it, but they don't have a leg to stand on. Make sure they pay for this disaster out of their own pockets - they can afford it, easily. Anything less than 3TH is entirely unacceptable.