The support from you guys never ceases to amaze me. The swing community really is a breath of fresh air.
While I immensely appreciate the offer to help me buy my account back from this guy, I simply cannot place the burden of this on you guys. Nor can I publicly comply with buying my stolen property back. Doing so would make me an even bigger target for future theft.
If you want to understand my logic behind not buying the account you can go here:'m predominately a web marketing guy. I haven't been shy about this fact. Part of my experience in web marketing has taught me to look for the silver lining and act upon it.
You can always polish a turd, and a polished turd is more valuable than no turd at all. As far as stolen accounts go we've honestly hit it pretty good.
Let me explain. This is how I see our current situation.
A: While I do not have access to the developer account and my years of effort in it, we know exactly where it is. It's being held by
Altcoin4Life who has a pretty clean rep. He has not logged into
MurderousKirk since the 14th. We can see if it's active or being held dormant and safe and we know who's behind it. The swing ANN has not been edited since August 28, 2015, and should any changes be made to it without my permission, we know who's responsible.
B: As messed up as it is, small altcoins survive and thrive on drama. The longer
Altcoin4Life refuses to return my account, the more attention swing gets. Don't believe me? Just look at the buy support on bittrex that wasn't there till my account got stolen. The larger holders have been doing nothing but stockpiling on the drama.
C: I've proven that my account was stolen and that this account is the real dev. It's there for everyone to see. Should any changes be made to this thread I can just start a new one (possibly on a more secure forum) and move on.
D: If I feel like it I can make a nice video report / instructional video on how to secure your account and be sure you don't suffer the same fate as the Swing developer did. Yay free promotional topics!
E: Theymos still might return my account.
This is genuinely nothing but free advertising at this point guys. While it kinda sucks that I lost my account, I'm happy polishing the turd for a while if it means adding a few sparks to Swing.
Anyway.. I'm just digging for a silver lining here.
If anyone wants to follow the full conversation on this topic, here's my scam accusation thread.