STATISTICS - May 2023This was the launch month of TalkImg, more specifically the 28th of April, but let's take it all together as it all started in May.
It all started calmly with several users starting to test the service and see how it works. Modest growth was planned during the first few months, until everything changes on May 13th. Imgur decides to change its Terms and block the forum proxy, as well as start an image deletion plan. This motivates a mass adherence by the forum community to the use of TalkImg.
This sudden and unexpected change meant that the project's entire growth plan was rethought, forced to make a new investment to increase its response capacity, given the demand it was experiencing. Since then, the use of the service has been increasing daily. But, let's go to the numbers, to understand what happened.
Until the 13th of May, 1216 images had been uploaded.
On May 14th, 3160 images were uploaded, making a total of 4376 images.
Day 15, the pace slowed down as I had to go into maintenance mode to improve the service.
But after the maintenance was done, almost twice as many images were loaded. Of the 5941 images uploaded by the 15th, we now have a total of 11134 images uploaded by the end of the 16th.
And it has continued to grow to this day, with over 300~500 new images uploaded each day.
That said, here are the May 2023 totals:
Total Images - 17361
Disk Space - 4.7GB (~270kb/image)
Bandwidth - 240GBI appreciate the support of the community.