There's actually no way we could escape paying taxes and no way paying taxes becomes better than not complying with it. It is our duty to pay taxes and the government's duty to make the taxes productive by implementing better rules, regulations, building infrastructures and making the country better. Taxes for me is what unifies the government and the people, without taxes, there will be no gas to fuel the innovation and development so in terms of cryptocurrency, the taxless society isn't a good idea for us to come up with.
But there is a way to escape tax, or more like, there is a way to manipulate how you pay tax to absolutely nothing. Disclaimer, research by your own risk.
The problem here is that the tax we ought to pay does not give the expected result from the government, that's why people complain about it. But it's also not good to just remove the tax, possible, but it isn't right--to the governing perspective (tho I don't know anything about politics).
Taxes don't really unite the people and the government. The definition of tax (read) is: People pay taxes to the Government to serve the people. But now it turns out to be: People pay taxes to the Government to manipulate the people to pay more taxes.