Yeah regarding Media rights.
So i have a genuine doubt here, since World cup cricket is not shared even when there was a tie even in the super overs and we all know that in test matches there will be a draw as you cannot expect a result in a test match all the time, so if that happens will there be a super over to determine the test champion or whether they will share the test championship. There is even a possibility of a tie in test matches, i know these are very rare but you cannot rule out those situations.
I don't think that in case the test match ends in a draw, they'll call for super-over. ICC will be more interested in declaring the winner based on their ridiculous rules (just like the maximum boundary rule they had for the CWC finals). For example, they can declare the team which bowled the least extras as winners. Or it could be the team which contributes the most to the ICC in terms of revenue. You never know these crazy people and the rules they make. Their aim is not to award the match to the team which performed the best.
@7788bitcoin @Vishnu.Reang
99% chances are that we are not going to see same result in this kind of scenario ever. In case final match ends with the draw then top ranking team in terms of points will get automatically declared as a winner.
The reserve day is only going to make it worse as again it will be June 2021 and the finals will be played in UK. Another rain wash. But I am glad they will chose to make both teams joint winners.
erikalui :