Yeah there's no point in feeling bad about what your ancestors did, its out of your control, and nobody asked to be born, in their body or circumstance, no less. We can only try hard not to be fuckups in our own one life we're given.
I don’t feel bad , but disappointed. I knew my g grandfathers wife for many years of my youth so it’s not far removed ..hard not to feel disappointed. Though like many Axis soldiers they did what they did to survive, justified? Not imo. Though that’s for those not completely brainwashed, which was many.
You should be proud of your ancestors, regardless of what the history books have led you to believe. They weren't fighting because they were evil, they were fighting against the evil of Bolshevism. They, too suffered for what they believed was right. Wars are always perpetrated by those in power, to retain power, and it's the common man that dies for their lies. George S. Patton even said so much after winning the war, something to the tune of "we fought the wrong enemy." Always remember, history is written by the victorious, and it's easier on their conscience to convince the world that they were the good guys.
I don’t get my news from just Fox, or CNN (in fact neither of them) or News Nation, the same I don’t get my history solely from propagandized US gov history books I was fed in school. I watch documentaries from both sides, I speak with people worldwide about this stuff, I read countless books, and on and on. I speak mainly of WWII …the Axis Powers were scum. Most the soldiers, not so much. Some, sure. I’m well read ..I think most people are idiots because most aren’t (you get that, as you referred to as such. My fav subject is history because it’s the most important. I love to learn the real truths. On my book shelf (could go on and I’m sure you both could too (why I like ya, not a dummy, and btw great quote!)
Solid book
also learned a lot from a dead guy buried 2-3 miles away, tall man, wore a black 🎩 , went by Abe ..studied him in great detail. A rare human leader.
@tread , you know I love ya to death, and i enjoy that our political differences (which really aren’t all that different) don’t effect our friendship, and why should they , and I hate wokeness (I refuse to let it bother me!), but “Redskin” is a derogatory term brotha. I’m a Wop, a Dego, a pollock, a cracker ..I don’t give a f if anyone calls me these names, but may due and rightfully so, they are derogatory terms rooted from hate. No one is losing sleep over the name change. So why give a shit? Many Indians DO care. I bet the countless we slaughtered and stole their land from would too. Not being woke , called being civilized. You think your God would be okay w that name?..nope..I spent 18 years in catholic school.
Looks cool, thanks for the kind words, you must be drinking.
You did a great job overcoming adversity this year and if you win you certainly deserve to wear that ring!
I was , still think you’re a huge asshole! Just playing. nah bud I don’t feel that way at all, I think we both had valid oppositions and have moved on. It’s fun to have different leagues (within reason). You are a good commish, been at this a long time, most suck at it. Nothing but respect.
Ok so I’m too lazy to look but dropping Ladd was the worst move I’ve made in all 7 leagues I’m in this year. Fuck me 😩
Hueristic - think you snagged Benson (too lazy to look and using FF mobile and exiting a long post is like playing with gasoline and matches ..very impressed by that move. I’d have snagged but my RBs are pretty decent.
Njoku , over Otton , ballsy a bit, but bro drops a TD ..I’ve cut Pitts, Ferg, Hock, he may be next week lol.
WTT - Waddle for .01 Bitconnect
Okay enough politics, we all can agree on that, and mainly my fault 🖐️..Fuzeball is what gets my mind off crap like this, for all of us.
Btw how the fuck do the browns beat Pitt smh, wen big on that one