As reality has shown - normal people who value life, development, progress - are against war. But there are regimes that set themselves absolutely inadequate goals and realize their complexes. And their own population, duped by propaganda, serves as a tool for this. Who not only kill and destroy other countries, they do not have human values, they go to suicide themselves, deprive their country of the future, deprive the future of their children and grandchildren .... The problem with the world is that it's playing tolerance with these regimes. If they had not been allowed to develop over the last 20 years, the world would be living without problems now. Such regimes are like cancer cells, if they are not identified and destroyed in time, they will metastasize and start destroying everything around them. People have the highest value - life, while these criminal regimes have the highest value - destruction and annihilation
Maybe I'm over-optimistic in thinking that the civilized world has finally realized that tolerating these regimes is not a joke and must be eradicated like cancer cells? Iran, Russia, North Korea, these countries have very good people inside, but their governments can't be tolerated any more, they must be destroyed the sooner the better. I really think that many people came to this conclusion today and that the days of these regimes are numbered.
It's a sure way to start a nuclear war you realize that? An attempt to attack any of these countries will result in a nuclear apocalypse. Any more suggestions?
Put these bastard regimes aside - we are GUARANTEED to get a sprawling cancerous tumor like the "Russian world", which even without nuclear weapons will destroy the civilized world, and make it, at best, a giant russia, northern correia, or similar bastard anti-human regime. Russia's threats of "nuclear dick" are just an attempt to intimidate the west, with the pathetic russian fuhrer knowing full well that once he gives the command he will be destroyed, which he is indescribably afraid of ! All tyrants are indescribably cowardly persons, it is an axiom !
Yes, what we must admit - tolerance, playing soft methods, and often corruption - allowed to give some time for such despicable regimes and gain strength. I am sure - the world has drawn conclusions, and the world's cancerous tumors will be isolated and bought. The world should live and develop, not fight and suffer !
The world economy cannot work only for war ! It is always easier to destroy, that is why such inadequate regimes choose the side of violence and destruction. To create is always more difficult !
This is starting to look like hysteria already. You're apparently losing it... Every sentence ends with an exclamation mark. Reading your pointless propaganda posts I imagine Hitler giving a speech in front of a huge crowd
Some "good" news from Donbas, probably? Don't worry, some more "good news" are coming: Chasiv Yar, Kramatorsk, Slavyansk. Wait for it...
Anyway, what do you suggest? How do you imagine we can fight these "rogue countries"? Something we can really do, not just your verbal diarrhea.
For a resident of Russia, Hitler is obviously a respected type, after all, brother and ideologue of RASHISM
I have long forgotten about this type, he was overshadowed by Adolf Putin ...
What are you so happy about? 10-30 square kilometers of total scorched land ? tens of thousands of rotting corpses of Russians on Ukrainian land, which nobody needs ? Tell me more about the A50, IL22, and 10 SU34/SU35/SU35S, on the ground in 10 days and the pilots of the remaining airplanes who are now forced to fly by threatening their families !
Is this the reason for your joy and pride ?
I reply to your only adequate suggestion for a solution - the solution is simple. Like any serious disease, it is necessary to systematically carry out "prevention" so that such regimes do not appear, and if such a "tumor" is found - destroy it until it does not metastasize like PMR, DNR, LNR, Abkhazia, .....
Such "soft" means include restriction of totalitarian and inadequate religious movements, education and development of the population (undeveloped, backward population is an ideal ground for building totalitarian regimes), economic education and economic development of countries and regions (poor population is also a fertile ground for inadequate regimes).
Also - reorganization of international institutions. At least the UN, the Red Cross and some others - completely discredited themselves, showed their unsuitability, and in some cases and diametrically opposite position to its purpose.