The problem with the "polls" is that some people may actually believe them and when their candidate looses spectacularly they naturally get convinced that it had to be a fraud and then it happens what it happened.
My question is, if Trump is allowed to run (a big if) and if he looses again, will he call on an assault on the Capitol again and praise the people performing such an act?
I don't think Trump would dare to call for their followers to explicitly assault anything or anyone in the case he lose the presidency of his country. The fact he is bad mouthing people now and believe he cannot be touchedz it is because he takes advantage of his state as leading candidate for the Republican party. If he loses he will likely just stay home and ask his lawyers to somehow use his private citizen status to get him out of trouble.
The kind of assault that the Trump people - average American citizens around the country - are doing right now is an assault on the evil in government. The people are waking up to the evil of the Dems and RINO's, especially including Biden and his team, and will be casting them out of government come some of the next elections, including the 2024 Presidential election.
As long as Biden is cast out the government, as you say, through democratic means, then it should not be a problem, the trouble comes when the democratic system itself is the one under siege because many people did not like the result. And let me remind you: one of the most important parts of democracy is the losing part to accept defeat and move on.
I am aware there are millions of people in the United States who disapprove the administration of Biden, that is fine and they have the right to express their disapproval, under their first amendment. But the constitution cannot be used as a tool to destroy the same laws there are written in it. And the first amendment is not supposed to protect difamation, for example.
Let me repeat what you said, "... the trouble comes when the democratic system itself is the one under siege because many people did not like the result." Your so-called 'many' was really 'most'. And when most of the voters don't get what they want because of election interference from other countries, as well as within, that's when Democracy is under siege. And that is what happened in the 2020 election. That's why Biden made it into office rather than Trump.
Nobody is using the Constitution to "destroy the same laws there are written in it." Rather, Congress and Biden are simply bypassing the Constitution, and doing much of what they simply want against the Constitution.
The 1st Amendment allows any speech that is or might be defamation against a group. If anybody thinks that he has been harmed by some so-called defamation, let him show the harm done to him in court, and require damages there. But...
He better make sure he really has some damages to show. Why? Because if he wasn't really damaged, the person he is accusing just might accuse HIM of defamation of character by taking him to court for nothing. This could go on and on, each one accusing the other, anew, of defamation of character in court. Who wins? The courts collect a fee from a filer every time he files documents with the court.
Just blurting the same stupid things over and over. Nobody has faked the results, Trump has never ever generated any proof of his claims not before the judges not in general.
Cannot you see all these arguments can be very clearly seen as the excuses of a looser? A rant of a childish rich preppy that did not get it his way?
You do not get to decide that the other guy is "evil" or that all is because of "a deep state" so you are ok to take the government by force. Want to be US president? Win an election for real. That is the path, the only honest one. There are rules that have been agreed before you were even born and if you decide to break them, there is a price to pay. In most countries Trump would be in jail for decades by now, and in some, in death row.
You do not get to decide how the constitution amendments are interpreted. e.g. the freedom of speech is not an absolute right, it has limits because it clashes with other rights, just like many other rights end where they start interfering with other rights.
Not only that, this is actually not allowing a honest political talk about what's convenient for the US and how Trump will have a devastating effect in US international relations, trade agreements, competitivity of the US economy, jobs in US, ... I only wish the democrats had something better to offer than Biden who is simply too old (81 fucking years) to take the presidency again and perhaps to understand that fact. You should not have someone with 86 years in a role that is 24 hour. Even Trump is 77, by the time he could potentially finish his presidency he would be around 82. The US needs to start leaving cronies in their golf clubs, they are too grumpy.