I just watched a video and I would like to know opinions on it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGrUOLsC9cwI don't exactly agree when the guy says raspberry Pis and laptops (or other devices, like mine, RP64) don't have enough processing power to deal with so much data!
I'm not a computer scientist or anything, but if these machines would struggle with the amount of data they need to process, I think these devices would easily heat up constantly and I think think that's the case in 95% or more of the cases.
Then he also mentions that another problem with the network is that there are channels opening and closing, therefore, path finding algos many times can't find paths for the payments because of this constant change in the network. And says the same with respect to balances of channels are also changing constantly.
Well, my argument here is that, yes, it is true that there are many channels opening and closing and yes there is balance updates every second, etc. Regarding the first part, I don't know how can he say such thing without backing up his statement without any data, like some plots of channels opened and closed per hour, for instance or how can he says that balance updates in channels is a problem when balance updates is something inherent to the network itself, probably at the protocol level... I'm not sure if this guy has anything at all to backup what he claims.
The guy quotes Rusty Russel on a post he wrote like 4 years ago on Reddit. I'm interest knowing if there was something done to mitigate the supposed problem...
What are your thoughts???