I agree. I know it might sound a bit harsh and maybe insensitive, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to me that suicide as a way out is only for cowards. Then again, I've never been in that kind of situation, and I hope I never will be, but I believe that no matter what life throws at us, we have to gather our strength and face it head-on. That's the only way.
Those who commit suicide because of problems with addiction, money, a broken heart, depression or whatever reason; do so in order to stop the psychological pain they feel.
I don't know if you have ever felt that kind of pain, it is similar to when someone you love passes away,.but it does not go away through time. Eventually, it makes you to do anything in order to stop it, including ending one's life.
I have never met anyone who suffered from problem gambling and killed themselves, but I do not doubt it is something that happens very often, unfortunately...
I have felt that pain, but I can still think that committing suicide is a wrong action and should be avoided. In addition, suicide is also prohibited in any religion. But some people cannot survive and get up after experiencing bankruptcy in gambling and eventually die of recurrent heart disease.