Wait wait wait. You go as far as to disbelieve the THEORY OF EVOLUTION? There are so many ways to prove it. The coccyx is one small example that, even if it is wrong, doesn't matter. The REAL important proof comes from GENETICS. We can see useless genes in the human genome. These are left over from evolution. Genetics is what makes us what we are, and through it, we can prove evolution. In addition, how do you explain dinosaurs? The huge crater that is in the Gulf of Mexico from the meteor that wipes them out? No mention of that in genesis, man actually NAMES every creature, and yet, man did not even exist when dinosaurs did. If you are going to say "god put the remnants in the earth on purpose," what POSSIBLE motivation could he have?
Also, there are two completely separate stories of creation inside Genesis, each from a different biblical source. Which one do you believe? Why? What makes it correct and the other false? Why are there two of them?
It just doesn't make sense!
There is so much to answer here that I am going to use some articles to get my points across.
About the genetics issue:
In regards to hypothetical ideas about human evolution, one of the most commonly used arguments for “shared mistakes” inherited supposedly through common descent between humans and great apes has been the HBBP1 pseudogene. On the other hand, it is also one of the most perplexing arguments for human evolution because the sequence is so well conserved among humans and apes. According to evolutionary dogma, selective restraints should have been lifted on the pseudogene gene millions of years ago, thus allowing it to mutate freely.
http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/arj/v6/n1/human-beta-globin-pseudogenesThe crater? From another article :
The New York Times article ignores another problem: the ongoing debate over the validity of the whole impact theory and the nature of the Chicxulub “impact crater” itself. (Some respected Earth scientists do not even believe it was a crater impact, as explained in the 1996 secular book The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy). Several difficulties remain unanswered:
◾ Why are there so many craters all over the Earth, with all sorts of different “dates” that don’t correlate with the fossil record?
◾How did light-sensitive organisms that live in shallow water survive, while the dinosaurs died?
◾Wouldn’t the dust from an asteroid impact create deadly acid rain that would wipe out amphibians and fish, but not necessarily large animals?
http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2002/11/15/dinosaur-demise-theoryDinosaurs lived with man (many were called dragons by most cultures BTW but us super smart people came up with a new name for them)
From another article:
“One of these cells is 65 million years old, and one is about 9 months old. Can anyone tell me which is which?”
Her inferred answer was no.
Will evolutionists now be convinced to think about rewriting dinosaur history?
As AiG wrote in a news release 12 months ago about this find (in a release which was distributed nationwide to the secular media):
The tissue/blood vessels are not millions of years old at all, but were mostly fossilized under catastrophic conditions a few thousand years ago at most. (I.e., by the global Flood of Noah’s time, about 4,300 years ago.)
I am not sure what you mean about the separate Creation stories? Can you explain exactly. I see only one but perhaps it is how I am reading it?
All that said, people have an amazing way of "finding" facts that support their preconceived ideas. You can say that about Christians but I can say that about what is called "Science" today. There are many things that are simply theories that are talked about like they are facts that is not good science.