Two guys died and this is what happened in the afterlife. But who witnessed all this?
Sorry, but it just looks like a children's story. You can't quote a source to prove the source. By that measure all fiction is fact.
Harry Potter is a real warlock because on page 233 it says "I am Harry Potter and I'm a real warlock". Is that proof?
Who witnessed this? This is a parable that Jesus told. If He is God in the flesh it would not be hard for Him to know the story.
But as for the Bible being proof, therein lies the dilemma. If the Bible is not true then you are right. There is no need to worry. Eat drink and be merry should be the goal of life. On the other hand, if the Bible is true then what? It should be a bit disconcerting and cause someone to at least study the Bible carefully to make sure they are right.
Most people who discredit the Bible have never even read it. As for the Bible just being any other book, millions of people believe it to be true to the core of their being. People die for their faith in Jesus that they have found by reading the Bible. Are we all crazy or is there something more to this book that has been cherished for so many? No one would die for Harry Potter so that book cannot compare. You could debate that other religious books are as valid but the Bible stands apart. It is the only book that says that there is no way we can earn salvation by our own merit. It is a free gift from God. Other "gods" or paths are all about working or earning our way to heaven somehow.
I have to take severe exception to this. I have been an atheist for some time now, and reading, then extrapolating, studying, searching and HOPING it was true (because I had wasted half my life believing). I actually encourage everyone who call themselves Christian to read the bible, straight through, and see if they still believe. I can't recall who said it, but a rather prominent atheist once said that the bible is the best argument for atheism that exists. I don't agree with that, as there are far more logical reasons to disbelieve in deities, but it's still been my experience that the VAST MAJORITY of atheists whom I have interacted with (and it's been rather a lot) are far better versed in the bible than the majority of Christians. The main exceptions I have seen to this are people from nations or places where Christianity holds little sway. Even there, they seem to be more knowledgeable than most Christians.
My take is simple, though not simply arrived at. If there is a god, and it wants to be worshiped, and it is omnipotent, (all Christian claims, here) Then it would have the power AND MOTIVATION to make this obvious. We would not need a collection of old books voted upon by political committees in order to validate the existence and will of such a being. Thus, if there is a god, based on the observations of the world and visible universe around us, I have to say that it doesn't want to be worshiped. The more likely solution is that it simply doesn't exist, but the jury is out on that.
I could go to great lengths in exposing the multiple mistakes and fallacies contained within the Christian bible and it's derivatives, but at this time I don't see the point. It's all well documented, and there is no swaying a "true believer" with facts. A thing I have come to realize after a great deal of personal pain. For psychological reasons, it is very difficult to relinquish belief, even when it has been proven to be false. It was for me. Losing my religion was personally devastating until I figured out who I really am, and managed to initiate a new paradigm. I'm a pretty tough person, so if it was that hard for me, I can understand why people cling to it. But that doesn't make it correct.