I think as people know more about the world they live in and the science behind how it works, religion is going to continue to wane. It is just going to get harder and harder to convince people that a sky man is secretly controlling the universe. It seems silly to even say it anymore.
Except, when you combine all that we know about cause and effect, entropy, and universe complexity,
there is no other answer except God.
Now there's a phrase you'll never hear from the mouth of a scientist.
Except that you don't know that. Just because you may have not heard it yet, doesn't mean that some scientist hasn't already said it in the hearing of others, some of whom might have even read your statement.
The fact that some scientists have never considered "cause and effect, entropy, and universe complexity" combined, certainly has to be factual considering the great number of scientists out there. And probably, when they consider it, there will be some of them that will not come to the conclusion that "there is no other answer except God." And there will be many who will not like the conclusion, so they will not accept it even when they see it is truth.
Science is concerned with the probability of various explanations for observed phenomena. It doesn't deal in absolutes. Every answer science provides leads to ever more questions. Religion is the hubristic slamming shut of billions of doors of possibility, except one: God.
Quite the contrary. Religion is the opening of all kinds of avenues of scientific endeavor. Why? Because it is God Who made it all. And it is God Who can make even more if He so desires.
It is the people who will not accept the undeniable conclusion that God exists, that comes from examining "cause and effect, entropy, and universe complexity" combined and in detail, who are limiting mankind not only to a weak and unnatural universe, but also to an absence of God, the Creator of all things, and the only One Who can create even more.
I know our indifferent and often cruel universe can be pretty terrifying to fathom, theists, but hiding under the safety blanket for fear of monsters is for children, not adults.
Denying the fact of the existence of God doesn't take Him away. It only places the one who denies into a position of weakness because he won't take hold of the strength of God that God is holding out to every person.
And if there does happen to be a creator, organized religion only serves to hamper a true understanding of his/her/their creation. Only science can ever hope to offer a god - like understanding of this universe. That ought to convert every rational seeker of god(s) to the cause of science. But of course nearly all theists would prefer to cling blindly to their dogma like infants rather than understand reality ad best we currently understand it.
Science might offer up a God for all to view, if it would only digest "cause and effect, entropy, and universe complexity" combined and in detail. Then it would see that there is absolutely a God holding everything in place.
Since most of science doesn't want to do this (it seems), the only final result will be the destruction of science by a the God who is the Absolute Authority, and has been holding Himself back all this while in mercy and grace, knowing that when it comes to reality, scientists are so extremely retarded, that they are "special children" who need a lot of guidance in the hopes that they will turn into thinking adults someday.
But God won't wait forever. He will only wait until their death. And if He moves before their natural death, their life might be snuffed out prematurely, all of it gone, before they have a chance to turn to God and be saved.