There you go again, retreating to safety, arguing about God again, a debate that you can never be proven wrong at, and that goes on forever, giving you the opportunity to avoid discussing the flaws in your ideology and the complete lack of scientific evidence to support your argument.
And you actually believe it's possible for to have a rational discussion about scientific evidence with a theist? I can't even reach the critical thinking part of your brain, friend, because God is standing in the way.
This thread is going on 4,000 views thanks to you and your friends. So many young minds, I wonder how many will be inoculated against the religion virus by reading arguments on this forum?
Thanks for continuing to bump my thread.
Welcome to the information age, theists. Praise be to computer science, for the advent of the internet spells certain doom for religion, and promises decisive victory for reason and science.
The trends are clear and will only accelerate.
The end of religion is now guaranteed with the same certainty as if it had already happened. Look theists, you had a good run. The dark ages gave us so much to think about, right? We got A Song of Ice and Fire out of that mess!
But your time is over now. After ten thousand years, the age of Violent Civilization is finally coming to a close. Just three centuries old, the infant Reason is all grown up, ready to stretch her legs and take command of Earth.
I know it's scary, theists. I know it must feel like the end times, but it's only the beginning. Religion lost. Accept it. Move on. Listen theists, I promise everything is going to be great with Reason asserting itself. Rule by Violence and Superstition has been less than pleasant these past few millennia.
Look at the bright side, your orgasms are going to be
so much more intense with multiple partners, after monogamy melts away.
Read Sex at Dawn.
Please, quote theist based arguments I have made, even one. You just like applying labels like these to people because you think it makes it easier for you to try to marginalize their opinions and assassinate the character of your opponents. At no point did I ever make an argument based on theism with you, but feel free to just keep making up things for lack of a substantive argument.
I ask you for scientific studies to support your argument for stripping children of their gender identities, and all you can do is keep talking about God. I am not here to talk about God. I am here to talk about how your ideology is not only not based on anything even remotely related to scientific reasoning, but it is destructive to the well being of children in general to experiment with their gender identities in any systematic manner. These choices should be left up to individuals and families, schools and the state have no business involving themselves in the personal identity choices of individuals. The state should have nothing to do with it. In the end all you are here to do is spout Marxist theories and ideology that you can't back up with facts.
Furthermore you are a bigot and a totalitarian hiding behind a rainbow flag who wishes to strip individuals of the right to privately practice their own religious beliefs. Regardless if you think it is stupid or not they have that right, and you do not have the right to persecute them for their beliefs, just as other individuals have the right to chose whichever gender identity they wish without being persecuted. Religious groups disapproving of homosexuality is not equivalent to persecution. The vast majority of people (religious or not) would not find such behavior acceptable. You have a right to make those choices concerning your own life, you do not have the right to force others to approve.
I don't need to read your book to know you are completely full of shit. I am still willing to examine any scientific studies you can produce to support your argument, but I look forward to the pictures, videos, personal attacks, and endless discussions about God that will follow in stead of scientific reasoning and empirical data.