
Topic: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God - page 25. (Read 37219 times)

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It is only recently (really within the last 50 or 60 years) that minority groups have pushed other meanings onto gender.
Also known as science.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Sex and gender are synonyms.

I give up.

In the past sex and gender were synonyms. It is only recently (really within the last 50 or 60 years) that minority groups have pushed other meanings onto gender.

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Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Are there any honest polls that are not designed to elicit certain responses and results?

Are there any honest polls that show what people generally think when they hear the word "gender?"
No, every poll ever created either has a pure gay agenda or a total anti-gay agenda. The world is black and white.

Simplicity is comforting, is it not?

In my opinion, people who fuss so much about gender and sexuality need to have more, or perhaps better, sex.

Quantum mechanics is all about looking at gray areas to determine the black and white dots that are too small for us to see.

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Are there any honest polls that are not designed to elicit certain responses and results?

Are there any honest polls that show what people generally think when they hear the word "gender?"
No, every poll ever created either has a pure gay agenda or a total anti-gay agenda. The world is black and white.

Simplicity is comforting, is it not?

In my opinion, people who fuss so much about gender and sexuality need to have more, or perhaps better, sex.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Are there any honest polls that are not designed to elicit certain responses and results?

Are there any honest polls that show what people generally think when they hear the word "gender?"

Personally, I would immediately upon hearing the word "gender" think of masculine, feminine, neuter. If I were brought into some discussion like the immediately previous few posts in this thread, it is only then that I would consider gender to mean other than sex in addition to sex. What do other people think? Maybe we should start a poll.

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Activity: 784
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I now declare that those who think that "Sex will kill God" [Beliathon] are of a gender that is extremely different from the gender of those who know that "God will judge those of the gender that think that 'Sex will kill God.'
Excepting the religious dogma, you're actually not far from the truth here.

I'm neutral when I take one of these, almost smack dab in the middle of masculine and feminine. For people born with exceptional intellectual acuity, the gender roles don't have enough logical traction to stick for very long after puberty and first sexual experiences. Pretense has no substance, so we forget.

I'm a 0 (total heterosexual) on the kinsey scale, to be clear that gender roles and sexuality are two separate measures.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

1. Grammar.

    (in many languages) a set of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as, in English, the choice of he to replace the man, of she to replace the woman, of it to replace the table, of it or she to replace the ship. The number of genders in different languages varies from 2 to more than 20; often the classification correlates in part with sex or animateness. The most familiar sets of genders are of three classes (as masculine, feminine, and neuter in Latin and German) or of two (as common and neuter in Dutch, or masculine and feminine in French and Spanish).
    one class of such a set.
    such classes or sets collectively or in general.
    membership of a word or grammatical form, or an inflectional form showing membership, in such a class.

2. either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:
the feminine gender.
Compare sex (def 1).

3. Archaic. kind, sort, or class.


1. either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.
2. the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the male and female are distinguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these differences.
3. the instinct or attraction drawing one sex toward another, or its manifestation in life and conduct.
4. coitus.
5. genitalia.
verb (used with object)
6. to ascertain the sex of, especially of newly-hatched chicks.

Verb phrases
7. sex up, Informal.

    to arouse sexually:
    The only intent of that show was to sex up the audience.
    to increase the appeal of; to make more interesting, attractive, or exciting:
    We've decided to sex up the movie with some battle scenes.

8. to have sex, to engage in sexual intercourse.

Also from
Usage note

Although it is possible to define gender as “sex,” indicating that the term can be used when differentiating male creatures from female ones biologically, the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations—more rich and more amorphous—having to do with general behavior, social interactions, and most importantly, one's fundamental sense of self.

Until recently, most people assumed that acknowledging one's gender, or sex, was easy. You just checked the appropriate box on a standard form, choosing either “male” or “female,” according to the gender you had been assigned at birth based on visible anatomical evidence. But some people's internal sense of who they are does not correspond with their assigned gender. And in fact, we now recognize that a complex spectrum between male and female exists not only mentally, psychologically, and behaviorally, but anatomically; there have always been biologically intersex people.

Gender identity is complicated. Some people, perhaps most, do not question their assigned gender. But others perceive themselves as belonging to the opposite sex. Still others, some of whom identify themselves as genderqueer, see themselves as neither male nor female, or perhaps as both, or as rotating between genders, or even as not belonging to any gender categorization at all.

Those who clearly see themselves as the opposite sex may or may not want to transition to it in some measure. Of those who do, some may complete that transition, but others may be happy to stop partway on a path that can include dressing and behaving like the opposite sex, although the desire to cross-dress can exist quite apart from issues of gender identity. Somewhere along the transitional path, people may want to change their given names and adopt linguistic terms of their own choosing, including a variety of pronouns, as designations of themselves and others. Some will have hormone treatments and opt for various kinds of surgery—perhaps facial, perhaps on their bodies, perhaps ultimately including sex “reassignment” surgery (genital reconstruction). At any point, they may welcome or reject a “transsexual” or “transgender” label.

This array of life experiences has resulted in a veritable explosion of new, or newly adapted, vocabulary. Particularly striking and useful is the word cis or prefix cis-, as in cis male, cis female, and cisgender, designating those whose sense of self matches their assigned gender. Using cis is a way to refer to these individuals without implying that “cis” people are the norm and all others a deviation from “normal.” It is notable that choices of gender beyond male and female are even appearing on social media sites. Clearly, gender is no longer a simple binary concept, if it ever was.

When you examine the whole thing, it seems that the word "gender" can be used as a division for almost anything. In addition, people can create new genders on the fly if it makes them feel better. Because of this, I now declare that those who think that "Sex will kill God" are of a gender that is extremely different from the gender of those who know that "God will judge those of the gender that think that 'Sex will kill God.'"

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Rejoice, denizens of the internet, for religion is one day closer to extinction than it was yesterday.
Activity: 3318
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Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
I know everyone thinks they want a saviour, a Jesus Christ, a Satoshi Nakamoto, Nelson Mandela etc etc - but look around you at the constituent members of this forum Beliathon - even a good percentage of those that appear to be legit are in fact, in one form or another, the basest type of amoral, self interested scammer, on nothing more than an ego driven pump and dump trip .
Yes, I know there is some truth to what you're saying, but the sickness that is greed is the product of ever-evolving human Culture, not human nature. In the grand scheme human culture is arcing dramatically toward a perfect parallel with human nature (infinite compassion / promiscuity / hyper-sexuality). That's mostly thanks to the fact that science is constantly improving the lens with which we view the world, allowing us to more deeply and accurately understand our own nature. This moment - post-industrial capitalism - seems like all that ever was or ever will be to most of us, trapped in our brief 100-or-so year lifespans. But when we measure the lifespan of capitalism - the last four hundred years - against even the modest length of human history - 10,000 years or so, one cannot come away with any other conclusion than this too shall pass, and I believe it shall pass soon. Anyone plugged into world politics can feel it, we're approaching another late sixties moment here.
sr. member
Activity: 770
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Activity: 3318
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And there goes your argument. Innate gender roles has nothing to do with socially enacted gender roles. Every society has different gender roles for males and females. As I said before, it is true that males tend to gravitate towards being more masculine and women towards being more feminine, but the various "extras" imposed upon each sex by societies is the problem. Get it? The point of this is because societies forcing down socially defined gender roles on male/females may leave negative results. Such as males being afraid to show their emotions for fear of being viewed as "weak", or females afraid to stand for their rights in a male dominated society(Look at India).

Again, I highly, enormously, advise that you go search up the words "gender" and "sex" in your local dictionary. What you're describing, for the millionth time, is Sex. Sex is the biological factor, gender the social one. You're talking about somewhat predefined roles based on the person's Sex, not gender.

I rather that society change to at least accommodate to help all of the people, than stick to the "majority" and ignore everyone else. Of course you don't care, because well, you're a sheep.

Please, if you're gonna continue typing, at least know what you're typing about. This is honestly disappointing. Ugh.

If only you could simply declare my argument over for me, that would make everything so simple for you wouldn't it? My very argument is that biological sex and gender behavior are inextricably linked regardless of your denial of this fact. They are different, but very closely interrelated things, and forcing some one to go against their natural biological tendencies can be extremely harmful. You wouldn't advocate reconditioning of a gay boy into the gender norms of a heterosexual boy would you? So why is it appropriate to strip children of their natural gender identity to appease some mythical utopian gender standards that you believe are superior, having no proof of this fact? Robbing children of their gender identities to play out some sick social experiment based on beliefs is beyond abuse. 

I understand what you are trying to tell me. I reject your premise. Get it?

So I looked up the definitions of gender and sex for you, since you obviously haven't bothered.


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female
grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages

Full Definition of GENDER
a :  a subclass within a grammatical class (as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b :  membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c :  an inflectional form showing membership in such a subclass
a :  sex
b :  the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

noun \ˈseks\

: the state of being male or female

: men or male animals as a group or women or female animals as a group

: physical activity in which people touch each other's bodies, kiss each other, etc. : physical activity that is related to and often includes sexual intercourse

Full Definition of SEX
:  either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures
:  the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females
a :  sexually motivated phenomena or behavior
b :  sexual intercourse
:  genitalia

Gee, interesting, the first definition of both words are EXACTLY THE SAME, meaning that in some circumstances the words are completely interchangeable. Gender is even directly defined as sex! Turns out I was using the words correctly, too bad the dictionary doesn't have revisionist social justice warrior foot notes in there for you.

Accommodating people and making most living humans suffer for the satisfaction of a small number is not justice, sorry. I don't care what mental gymnastics you use to justify it or how much blame and shame you throw around like so many shit slinging monkeys. The world is harsh. We should work on changing that, but disabling others in order to feed the self esteem of people who feel victimized regardless of it being true or not is pretty much sociopathic, and you are unknowingly enabling this behavior (at least I would hope unknowingly).

Call me a sheep a few more times. Clearly you are above the mainsteam and anyone who disagrees with you must me a mainstream mindless sheep right? What do you have to learn from anyone? You are smarter than the rest!

Its possible that the distinction between hard and soft sciences is a bit of a false dichotomy.

Social science is able to employ the scientific method also. And in empirically testing falsifiable theories, using various social research methods, it is able to arrive at valid and reliable conclusions.

It has been said of the "natural" (hard) sciences that at best they only ever attain a verisimilitude  - that is, an approximation to truth (or falsity) - and so, in this sense are not so far removed from the social sciences as might first appear to be the case.

What you say is true to a degree, but the main factor people forget is that social sciences are first of all based (mostly) on human behavior, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, all things which are not physically quantifiable and are measured in very unreliable ways as opposed to something like chemistry or engineering. If you read in my post previous, most social sciences studies do not meet the requisite standards for truly being defined as a scientific study.

Requirements: procedure, performance, duplication, and peer scrutiny

The procedure must obey scientific method. The test needs to be set up in a way as to eliminate human error or influence. When studying human behavior, how do you remove that element? The experiment must be repeatable with predictable results. Then finally the study must be peer reviewed. These are the bare bones basics that are required before you can call something science. We can debate about hard vs soft science all day, but the fact of the matter is the op has not bothered to present ANY studies which support his hypotheses, yet he claims the backing of the scientific community.
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Well, I guess what I mean is that it can be co-opted. Look at the current debate around the blocksize limit (and its implications for centralisation) - the arguments within the community around regulation, anonymity etc.

These debates will not be settled on the grounds of scientific certainty or mathematics - they will (potentially) be settled according to the values, norms and beliefs of insecure, flawed and self interested individuals. And the protocol will develop along the tracks laid down by their consensus.
I know everyone thinks they want a saviour, a Jesus Christ, a Satoshi Nakamoto, Nelson Mandela etc etc - but look around you at the constituent members of this forum Beliathon - even a good percentage of those that appear to be legit are in fact, in one form or another, the basest type of amoral, self interested scammer, on nothing more than an ego driven pump and dump trip .
Whilst the worst are immoral pimpin parasites who would gladly rip off their own grandmothers to get in front.

  Is there a consensus on what bitcoin is actually for would you say ? I know what I think its for - I know why I'm here - but this most certainly doesn't correspond with that of most members residing herein.

  Bitcoin doesn't exist in a pure vacuum of algorithms and elliptic curves - and how it develops over time is something that remains to be seen. But to my mind it will be cultural values (and culture itself is an industry) rather than scientific values, that are its primary determinants.

Gone a bit off topic here - apologies.

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Activity: 770
Merit: 500
Its possible that the distinction between hard and soft sciences is a bit of a false dichotomy.

Social science is able to employ the scientific method also. And in empirically testing falsifiable theories, using various social research methods, it is able to arrive at valid and reliable conclusions.

It has been said of the "natural" (hard) sciences that at best they only ever attain a verisimilitude  - that is, an approximation to truth (or falsity) - and so, in this sense are not so far removed from the social sciences as might first appear to be the case.
The difference is that in today's world the softer sciences can (and often are) warped and corrupted by the profit motive, that's what Feynman is warning those CalTech students about.

Verisimilitudes or not, raw mathematics is wholly incorruptible by virtue of transparency (see Bitcoin). Contrast that with statistics, or other weaker methods commonly used in the social sciences.

I agree, but then maths doesn't employ the scientific method.

Bitcoin is corruptible however. Purely by virtue of the route its taken down - and that which it isn't. This is political - nothing to do with maths. I guess it comes down to ethics.

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Its possible that the distinction between hard and soft sciences is a bit of a false dichotomy.

Social science is able to employ the scientific method also. And in empirically testing falsifiable theories, using various social research methods, it is able to arrive at valid and reliable conclusions.

It has been said of the "natural" (hard) sciences that at best they only ever attain a verisimilitude  - that is, an approximation to truth (or falsity) - and so, in this sense are not so far removed from the social sciences as might first appear to be the case.
The difference is that in today's world the softer sciences can (and often are) warped and corrupted by the profit motive, that's what Feynman is warning those CalTech students about.

Verisimilitudes or not, raw mathematics is wholly incorruptible by virtue of transparency (see Bitcoin). Contrast that with statistics, or other weaker methods commonly used in the social sciences.
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