Phase 1. Destroy heteronormative standards and establish equality for all sexuality. Struggle nearing completion in most industrialized nations [sorry Russians]
Phase 2. Destroy
the myth of Homo Sapien monogamy and assert science in the realm of human sexuality. Pansexuality / polyamory explodes. Struggle ongoing in most industrialized nations
Phase 3. Smash the myth [social construct] of gender and assert science in that realm. Struggle just began in industrialized nations
Phase 4. Medical science cures all sexually transmitted infections/diseases. Orgies ensue all over the world. Probably a result of nanotech innovation.
Phase 5. Merging of hardware and wetware, next phase of human evolution. Religion fully obsolete as mortality itself has been solved.
As a topic it should be named how Sodomy is trying to kill God.
The issue extends to the act of homosexual f***ing and should be called as such.
Phase 1 (High resistance from the Muslims as well and a realigning or possible force reset through Libyan refugees in Europe in the future)
Phase 2 Still ongoing force the bastardization of morality until it is a threat to society itself by promoting polygamy and similar values and lots of sex unfortunately that minority will never completely die out although hackers do try to slow that down Ashley Madison leaks etc.
Phase 3: Confuse people through education to pervert default values (Ontario sex curriculum forcing sex and marriage licenses)
Phase 4: Sooner or later only a matter of time with Occulus Rift + Porn
Phase 5: == The Causes of World War 3.