Humanism teaches--the individual need answer only to himself. He is his own judge.
Lying is a relative term and therefore doesn't exist if the person thinks it is OK. (The end justifies the means.) Humanism teaches--Man is basically good and therefore is able to determine his own best values by himself--a child is able to determine his own best values at any age (Efforts are now being made to lower the age of statutory rape to 14 years old). Sex is a physical animal need that must be gratified in any way that the person deems best. Since guilt and shame do not exist, and no one can do any wrong, there is no need for forgiveness and/or punishment. Suicide, adultery, abortion-on-demand, sadism and masochism, sex and nudity in public, incest, prostitution, sodomy, masturbation, pornography, euthanasia, drug use, etc. are all OK.
Humanism teaches--total hostile rejection of traditional beliefs and substitution of man, evolution, amorality, basic goodness of man, and
one-world system in its place. Humanism teaches--one-world system ruled by an intellectual elite (The Humanists.)
Humanism teaches--man to follow his own changing values and be responsible for the consequences of his actions (abortion, illegitimate births, lesbianism, homosexuality, murder, hatred, strife, contention--in general--let it all hang out).
denies life after death, and no man need recognize ANY authority beyond himself.
Humanism teaches--there is no certainty because there is constant change (evolution),
therefore law must be continually changed to the whims of man who is the Supreme Being. Hatonn explains that man cannot change the Law. Man has tampered with Scripture as it relates to sex, to suit his own beliefs.
What you are being given in the current PLEIADIAN CONNECTIONS series is the Truth of how life WORKS. You will find that the physical is only related to that which is SENSED. Spiritual is that which is KNOWN. The two are hardly connected except that the physical body is an extension of the eternal Mind--for use of that mind in a physical environment--to serve.
Attitudes such as those considered "OK" in your slang terminology are simply not acceptable behaviors in the higher experience where the "body physical" is a most unimportant portion of experience. SENSED existence is a very "primal/primitive" state of Being.
Is masturbation evil? It depends on the intent! It is certainly NOT SOMETHING MANDATORY TO GOOD HEALTH. I cannot sanction such a projection as coming directly from God for it simply is not so! Does this lessen the writer? NO, only the perception. It is very hard for mankind to come into clarity and accurate perception. Does this make the book evil and the author unworthy? No, it only means that the author is a human and that the book must not be published AS GIVEN DIRECTLY OF GOD--THAT, DEAR ONES, IS WHAT IS INCORRECT ABOUT YOUR BIBLICAL REFERENCES--THEY HAVE BEEN TAMPERED BY MAN TO SUIT THE BELIEF OF MAN.
Any Earth person can publish anything they please and many are worthy of great note--however, if publishing is IN THE NAME OF DIRECT STATEMENT AND RULES FROM GOD--NO. It, further, is my responsibility to sort the two. Would you consider me a friend to allow publication of material which is NOT correct to go forth and the soul of even ONE be misled?
I care not what YOU think about the "hereafter"--I KNOW what is there and I know about the prepared places and little human of Earth will abide by the Laws as laid forth and practiced by those where and with whom you will be placed--OR, you will be left to your own demise.
This simply is the way it IS and I cannot change it to suit your hurt feelings or arguments--WHAT IS--IS! WHO ARE YOU TO DEMAND ANYTHING? So be it--however, your Earth Shan gets in worse and worse condition, run by total chaos and insanity so, if I were you, I would begin to consider these points most carefully indeed.