Way to ignore my point and go right on again arguing about God. You two deserve each other.
Ah, I see you don't want to discuss humanism, but notice how it is
humanist ethics that Beliathon is advocating!
I have posted evidence that negates the foundation of humanism (denial of life after death). This undermines humanist ethics as well.
You wanted to discuss "the dangers of Liathon's socialist dogmas"??Humanism is the dogma that I am attacking; Marx has stated that
Marxism is not different from humanism!
I hope you will agree that humanism has been discredited.
I don't want to discuss any topic interwoven with God or faith based logic
because it is a pointless discussion that never ends and only serves as a distraction from facts.
You didn't just discredit humanism,
you also threw in a bunch more bullshit about God,
giving this asshat Liathon all the ammunition he needs to no only dismiss everything you say,
but then use you to push his logical failures and inconsistencies down the page
and get away with ignoring them
in favor of having your pointless arguments about God
which he knows FOR A FACT he can't be proven wrong about.
First, let me say that I agree that Beliathon is "behaving" in favor of ignorance and against truth; however, unlike you, I think he has
no leg to stand on.
1. It is not "faith-based logic" that discredits humanism; rather, it is evidence from observation and reasoning; I made 52 salient points and they are all logical, they evidence the fact of life after death.
2. Lie-a-thon can ignore all he wants, and he can even lie if he sees fit; he is a humanist, after all, so for him and all humanists, Lying is a relative term and therefore doesn't exist if the person thinks it is OK.
3. I am pointing out his failures and inconsistencies as regards the evidence for mind-outside-of-the-brain. He was still arguing with BADecker about this even after he was shown the evidence.
4. What cannot be ignored is the record that is being posted here. Beliathon ignores both you and me, so his arguments are failing.
5. I have posted a record too. Anyone may choose to ignore it. However, it is the truth about GOD, so by ignoring it you are no better than Beliathon who will
undoubtedly probably ignore the truth outlined in the above 4 points.