No humanist (Marxist) ethics will support your cause in practice;
all morals are relative in your (humanist) philosophy, therefore anyone may choose to do any violence at any time and for any reason with complete self-justification.
After all, man is the guarantor of knowledge in your view, so you have apparently determined that you can know for yourself that your ethical philosophy is correct, without having to address the evidence that I provided for all to see.
Apparently, you have judged that having plenty of sex for selfish reasons of physical pleasure is what Man needs to be fulfilled.
You do not honor Man beyond the level of an animal, and you do not recognize that Man has a soul.
Nonetheless, I have rebutted the humanist ethical worldview with hard evidence about the afterlife, and I would appreciate your kind response to the same as this discovery definitely changes the ethical landscape.
"Dropping below the level of a savage, who believes that the magic words he utters have the power to alter reality, they believe that reality can be altered by the power of the words they do not utter—and their magic tool is the blank-out, the pretense that nothing can come into existence past the voodoo of their refusal to identify it." --Ayn Rand