
Topic: Top 20 days for Bitcoin - page 117. (Read 105577 times)

Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 20, 2017, 07:59:07 PM
Here's the last 24 hours of prices and volumes on BitStamp. Almost all the volume was in the last hour while the price was shooting updards so the volume weighted average price should presumably be around $1070:

Activity: 1281
Merit: 1000
☑ ♟ ☐ ♚
February 20, 2017, 02:23:23 PM
Very good thread. Good job guys!
Activity: 2842
Merit: 1511
February 20, 2017, 02:19:31 PM
Great work on the stats Dooglus, although I do worry the dataset will end up growing enormous and unwieldy if peeps keep requesting additions.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
February 20, 2017, 06:30:10 AM
^^love your table. wondering if there could be made some kind of index/ratio figure out of this dataset?

stolen on reddit: consecutive bitcoin-over-$1000 hours.
Here's an update to the "bitstamp over $1k" table:

Start                    End                            Hours
2017-02-03 13:00    2017-02-09 12:00    144
2017-02-14 13:00    2017-02-20 09:00    140
2017-01-02 02:00    2017-01-05 11:00    81
2013-12-02 20:00    2013-12-05 07:00    60
2013-11-29 01:00    2013-12-01 05:00    52

so we hit another record!

Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 19, 2017, 08:42:30 PM

     BitStamp USD/BTC              OKCoin CNY/BTC              Kraken EUR/BTC              Kraken CAD/BTC
  -----------------------     -----------------------     -----------------------     -----------------------
   1  2013-11-30  1132.29  |   1  2017-01-04  7930.09  |   1  2017-01-04  1045.93  |   1  2017-01-04  1447.48
   2  2013-12-04  1111.56  |   2  2017-01-05  7503.71  |  2  2017-02-18   999.75  |   2  2017-01-03  1371.34
   3  2017-01-04  1088.45  |   3  2013-11-30  7405.69  |  3  2017-02-17   990.91  |  3  2017-02-07  1362.32
  4  2013-11-29  1065.36  |   4  2017-01-03  7389.84  |  4  2017-02-19   989.48  |  4  2017-02-08  1361.83
  5  2017-02-18  1060.53  |  5  2017-02-08  7367.02  |  5  2017-02-08   983.77  |  5  2017-02-17  1360.19
  6  2017-02-19  1051.93  |  6  2017-02-07  7347.40  |   6  2017-01-03   978.51  |  6  2017-02-19  1358.94
   7  2013-12-03  1050.57  |   7  2017-01-02  7323.36  |  7  2017-02-07   977.62  |   7  2017-01-05  1356.48
  8  2017-02-17  1049.51  |  8  2017-02-06  7245.30  |  8  2017-02-16   974.94  |   8  2017-01-02  1353.14
  9  2017-02-08  1045.63  |  9  2017-02-05  7216.24  |   9  2017-01-05   969.07  |  9  2017-02-06  1347.02
  10  2017-02-07  1043.50  |  10  2017-02-18  7184.08  |  10  2017-01-02   967.42  |  10  2017-02-05  1339.71
  11  2017-02-16  1029.04  |  11  2013-11-29  7156.07  |  11  2017-02-15   959.22  |  11  2017-02-16  1331.86
  12  2017-02-04  1022.99  |  12  2017-02-04  7141.35  |  12  2017-02-14   953.93  |  12  2017-02-18  1326.10
  13  2017-02-06  1021.23  |  13  2017-02-19  7128.42  |  13  2017-02-06   953.52  |  13  2017-02-04  1323.57
  14  2017-01-03  1020.56  |  14  2017-02-03  7108.19  |  14  2017-02-04   951.30  |  14  2017-02-14  1323.47
  15  2017-02-05  1015.96  |  15  2017-02-09  7053.26  |  15  2017-02-11   949.68  |  15  2017-02-03  1319.54
  16  2017-01-02  1013.00  |  16  2017-01-01  7011.23  |  16  2017-02-12   946.24  |  16  2017-01-01  1319.10
  17  2017-02-03  1009.32  |  17  2017-02-17  6989.63  |  17  2017-02-05   945.54  |  17  2017-02-15  1318.53
  18  2017-02-15  1009.09  |  18  2016-12-29  6900.76  |  18  2017-02-03   942.26  |  18  2017-02-11  1304.94
  19  2017-02-11  1008.19  |  19  2017-02-02  6879.06  |  19  2017-01-01   937.48  |  19  2017-02-12  1304.85
  20  2017-02-14  1006.66  |  20  2016-12-28  6875.81  |  20  2017-02-13   937.09  |  20  2016-12-29  1303.32
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 19, 2017, 03:26:44 PM
Any chance you could add CAD (Canadian Dollar) to the report? Back when BTC hit 1k USD in 2013, the USD/CAD exchange rate was close to 1:1, and the rate is now 1:1.3. I believe the Canadian ATH was hit in late 2016, so I'm curious to see what the highest is and how much the old ATH was beat by.

Bitcoin Charts (where I pull the data from) doesn't have prices for Quadriga or recent prices for CAVirtex, but it does have prices for Kraken's CAD market, so I'll use that.

I checked out the old Virtex prices from 2013 and saw these:

 1  2013-12-04  1047.13 CAD
 2  2013-11-30  1002.23 CAD
 3  2013-11-28   982.38 CAD
 4  2013-12-03   981.81 CAD
 5  2013-11-29   979.03 CAD
 6  2013-12-05   975.73 CAD
 7  2014-01-06   954.31 CAD
 8  2013-12-02   946.97 CAD
 9  2013-12-10   944.71 CAD
10  2013-11-27   931.02 CAD

so you're right that none of those old prices are in the top 50 any more.

I edited yesterday's post to include the top 50 CAD prices.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
February 19, 2017, 05:45:13 AM
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1026
February 18, 2017, 11:27:48 PM
Activity: 2772
Merit: 3282
February 18, 2017, 11:06:20 PM
Any chance you could add CAD (Canadian Dollar) to the report? Back when BTC hit 1k USD in 2013, the USD/CAD exchange rate was close to 1:1, and the rate is now 1:1.3. I believe the Canadian ATH was hit in late 2016, so I'm curious to see what the highest is and how much the old ATH was beat by.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 18, 2017, 08:21:33 PM
I added CNY (edit: and CAD) to the report:

   1  2013-11-30  1132.29 USD  |   1  2017-01-04  7930.09 CNY  |   1  2017-01-04  1045.93 EUR  |   1  2017-01-04  1447.48 CAD
   2  2013-12-04  1111.56 USD  |   2  2017-01-05  7503.71 CNY  |  2  2017-02-18   999.75 EUR  |   2  2017-01-03  1371.34 CAD
   3  2017-01-04  1088.45 USD  |   3  2013-11-30  7405.69 CNY  |  3  2017-02-17   990.91 EUR  |  3  2017-02-07  1362.32 CAD
   4  2013-11-29  1065.36 USD  |   4  2017-01-03  7389.84 CNY  |  4  2017-02-08   983.77 EUR  |  4  2017-02-08  1361.83 CAD
  5  2017-02-18  1060.53 USD  |  5  2017-02-08  7367.02 CNY  |   5  2017-01-03   978.51 EUR  |  5  2017-02-17  1360.19 CAD
   6  2013-12-03  1050.57 USD  |  6  2017-02-07  7347.40 CNY  |  6  2017-02-07   977.62 EUR  |   6  2017-01-05  1356.48 CAD
  7  2017-02-17  1049.51 USD  |   7  2017-01-02  7323.36 CNY  |  7  2017-02-16   974.94 EUR  |   7  2017-01-02  1353.14 CAD
  8  2017-02-08  1045.63 USD  |  8  2017-02-06  7245.30 CNY  |   8  2017-01-05   969.07 EUR  |  8  2017-02-06  1347.02 CAD
  9  2017-02-07  1043.50 USD  |  9  2017-02-05  7216.24 CNY  |   9  2017-01-02   967.42 EUR  |  9  2017-02-05  1339.71 CAD
  10  2017-02-16  1029.04 USD  |  10  2017-02-18  7184.08 CNY  |  10  2017-02-15   959.22 EUR  |  10  2017-02-16  1331.86 CAD
  11  2017-02-04  1022.99 USD  |  11  2013-11-29  7156.07 CNY  |  11  2017-02-14   953.93 EUR  |  11  2017-02-18  1326.10 CAD
  12  2017-02-06  1021.23 USD  |  12  2017-02-04  7141.35 CNY  |  12  2017-02-06   953.52 EUR  |  12  2017-02-04  1323.57 CAD
  13  2017-01-03  1020.56 USD  |  13  2017-02-03  7108.19 CNY  |  13  2017-02-04   951.30 EUR  |  13  2017-02-14  1323.47 CAD
  14  2017-02-05  1015.96 USD  |  14  2017-02-09  7053.26 CNY  |  14  2017-02-11   949.68 EUR  |  14  2017-02-03  1319.54 CAD
  15  2017-01-02  1013.00 USD  |  15  2017-01-01  7011.23 CNY  |  15  2017-02-12   946.24 EUR  |  15  2017-01-01  1319.10 CAD
  16  2017-02-03  1009.32 USD  |  16  2017-02-17  6989.63 CNY  |  16  2017-02-05   945.54 EUR  |  16  2017-02-15  1318.53 CAD
  17  2017-02-15  1009.09 USD  |  17  2016-12-29  6900.76 CNY  |  17  2017-02-03   942.26 EUR  |  17  2017-02-11  1304.94 CAD
  18  2017-02-11  1008.19 USD  |  18  2017-02-02  6879.06 CNY  |  18  2017-01-01   937.48 EUR  |  18  2017-02-12  1304.85 CAD
  19  2017-02-14  1006.66 USD  |  19  2016-12-28  6875.81 CNY  |  19  2017-02-13   937.09 EUR  |  19  2016-12-29  1303.32 CAD
  20  2017-01-05  1005.35 USD  |  20  2017-02-12  6839.98 CNY  |  20  2017-02-09   932.77 EUR  |  20  2017-02-13  1301.62 CAD
  21  2017-02-12  1002.34 USD  |  21  2017-02-16  6805.45 CNY  |  21  2016-12-29   927.36 EUR  |  21  2017-02-09  1295.33 CAD
  22  2013-12-02  1000.49 USD  |  22  2017-02-11  6799.59 CNY  |  22  2017-02-02   926.10 EUR  |  22  2017-02-02  1287.15 CAD
  23  2013-11-28   998.56 USD  |  23  2016-12-30  6788.41 CNY  |  23  2016-12-28   920.82 EUR  |  23  2016-12-28  1277.32 CAD
  24  2017-02-09   996.61 USD  |  24  2016-12-31  6783.99 CNY  |  24  2017-02-10   916.73 EUR  |  24  2016-12-30  1274.15 CAD
  25  2017-02-13   994.47 USD  |  25  2017-02-01  6781.34 CNY  |  25  2016-12-31   909.36 EUR  |  25  2016-12-31  1273.23 CAD
  26  2017-02-02   994.32 USD  |  26  2017-02-15  6767.66 CNY  |  26  2017-02-01   908.15 EUR  |  26  2017-02-10  1273.00 CAD
  27  2017-01-01   987.47 USD  |  27  2017-02-14  6742.89 CNY  |  27  2016-12-30   904.97 EUR  |  27  2017-02-01  1264.24 CAD
  28  2017-02-10   977.66 USD  |  28  2017-02-13  6699.90 CNY  |  28  2016-12-27   887.17 EUR  |  28  2016-12-27  1241.26 CAD
  29  2013-12-05   975.06 USD  |  29  2013-12-04  6670.54 CNY  |  29  2017-01-31   885.64 EUR  |  29  2017-01-31  1236.58 CAD
  30  2017-02-01   970.40 USD  |  30  2013-12-01  6614.08 CNY  |  30  2017-01-06   874.03 EUR  |  30  2017-01-23  1228.72 CAD
  31  2016-12-29   967.02 USD  |  31  2017-02-10  6597.18 CNY  |  31  2017-01-08   869.79 EUR  |  31  2016-12-24  1228.50 CAD
  32  2016-12-28   955.98 USD  |  32  2016-12-27  6585.48 CNY  |  32  2017-01-10   864.98 EUR  |  32  2016-12-26  1225.16 CAD
  33  2016-12-31   955.73 USD  |  33  2017-01-06  6534.62 CNY  |  33  2016-12-23   863.33 EUR  |  33  2017-01-22  1222.93 CAD
  34  2016-12-30   951.07 USD  |  34  2017-01-31  6527.05 CNY  |  34  2017-01-23   863.06 EUR  |  34  2017-01-21  1222.65 CAD
  35  2017-01-31   949.19 USD  |  35  2013-11-28  6521.05 CNY  |  35  2016-12-24   863.06 EUR  |  35  2017-01-06  1218.48 CAD
  36  2013-12-01   945.67 USD  |  36  2013-12-03  6494.28 CNY  |  36  2017-01-28   862.80 EUR  |  36  2017-01-08  1212.55 CAD
  37  2013-12-10   941.56 USD  |  37  2016-12-26  6473.41 CNY  |  37  2016-12-26   862.68 EUR  |  37  2017-01-29  1211.46 CAD
  38  2013-11-27   937.09 USD  |  38  2016-12-24  6465.82 CNY  |  38  2017-01-27   861.82 EUR  |  38  2017-01-10  1208.40 CAD
  39  2014-01-06   936.62 USD  |  39  2017-01-08  6410.55 CNY  |  39  2017-01-21   861.04 EUR  |  39  2017-01-27  1208.38 CAD
  40  2016-12-27   922.42 USD  |  40  2016-12-23  6391.22 CNY  |  40  2017-01-22   860.87 EUR  |  40  2017-01-30  1207.15 CAD
  41  2017-01-23   920.25 USD  |  41  2017-01-27  6373.54 CNY  |  41  2017-01-30   860.02 EUR  |  41  2017-01-24  1204.24 CAD
  42  2017-01-30   917.94 USD  |  42  2017-01-29  6367.85 CNY  |  42  2017-01-29   859.08 EUR  |  42  2016-12-25  1201.37 CAD
  43  2017-01-27   917.86 USD  |  43  2017-01-28  6367.75 CNY  |  43  2017-01-09   852.64 EUR  |  43  2017-01-09  1200.63 CAD
  44  2017-01-28   917.53 USD  |  44  2017-01-30  6358.18 CNY  |  44  2017-01-26   850.71 EUR  |  44  2017-01-20  1198.35 CAD
  45  2017-01-22   916.63 USD  |  45  2017-01-21  6353.36 CNY  |  45  2017-01-24   846.07 EUR  |  45  2017-01-28  1197.35 CAD
  46  2017-01-21   916.08 USD  |  46  2017-01-23  6351.54 CNY  |  46  2017-01-19   845.23 EUR  |  46  2016-12-23  1195.06 CAD
  47  2017-01-29   915.29 USD  |  47  2017-01-10  6349.53 CNY  |  47  2017-01-20   842.00 EUR  |  47  2017-01-26  1194.79 CAD
  48  2017-01-06   914.26 USD  |  48  2017-01-22  6347.55 CNY  |  48  2017-01-25   837.37 EUR  |  48  2017-01-19  1194.03 CAD
  49  2017-01-08   913.92 USD  |  49  2016-12-25  6288.50 CNY  |  49  2016-12-25   835.59 EUR  |  49  2017-01-18  1183.07 CAD
  50  2017-01-26   907.69 USD  |  50  2017-01-24  6284.66 CNY  |  50  2017-01-17   835.56 EUR  |  50  2017-01-25  1165.35 CAD
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 18, 2017, 08:17:35 PM
JPY is the largest market by volume now.

Isn't that mostly because the Japanese exchanges don't charge a trading fee?

I summed the 24 hour volumes across all the non-excluded markets on coinmarketcap and got this:

BTC/USD  $36,651,881
BTC/CNY  $19,848,794
BTC/EUR  $10,767,376
BTC/KRW   $2,417,710
BTC/PLN   $1,401,575
BTC/GBP   $1,103,675
BTC/USDT    $921,124
BTC/IDR     $661,995
BTC/CAD     $393,426
BTC/RUR     $293,879
BTC/RUB     $235,211
BTC/SGD     $187,210
BTC/THB     $155,200
BTC/MXN     $126,786
BTC/NGN     $118,438
BTC/ZAR      $88,924
BTC/BRL      $83,631
BTC/INR      $81,038

Is there some site that shows the volume per pair?
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
February 18, 2017, 05:37:48 PM
Are you generating this by hand? #4 is higher than #3, #7 is higher than #6, and #2 is for a day that didn't finish yet.

How about I post both tables in future? It's no extra work for me. Here's my version:


 1  2017-01-04  1045.93 EUR
2  2017-02-17   990.91 EUR
3  2017-02-08   983.77 EUR
 4  2017-01-03   978.51 EUR
5  2017-02-07   977.62 EUR
6  2017-02-16   974.94 EUR
 7  2017-01-05   969.07 EUR
 8  2017-01-02   967.42 EUR
9  2017-02-15   959.22 EUR
10  2017-02-14   953.93 EUR
11  2017-02-06   953.52 EUR
12  2017-02-04   951.30 EUR
13  2017-02-11   949.68 EUR
14  2017-02-12   946.24 EUR
15  2017-02-05   945.54 EUR
16  2017-02-03   942.26 EUR
17  2017-01-01   937.48 EUR
18  2017-02-13   937.09 EUR
19  2017-02-09   932.77 EUR
20  2016-12-29   927.36 EUR

i did use an uncorrected version. thx for pointing it out. edited the post. the 18th was/is still a few hours to go, that was a bit to early. feel free to do it yourself, though i still would like to do this as well. you decide.
would you be interested to do a version in chinese yuan? with USD, €uro and yuan most of the worldwide exchange trade would be covered.

JPY is the largest market by volume now.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
February 18, 2017, 04:49:31 PM
Are you generating this by hand? #4 is higher than #3, #7 is higher than #6, and #2 is for a day that didn't finish yet.

How about I post both tables in future? It's no extra work for me. Here's my version:


 1  2017-01-04  1045.93 EUR
2  2017-02-17   990.91 EUR
3  2017-02-08   983.77 EUR
 4  2017-01-03   978.51 EUR
5  2017-02-07   977.62 EUR
6  2017-02-16   974.94 EUR
 7  2017-01-05   969.07 EUR
 8  2017-01-02   967.42 EUR
9  2017-02-15   959.22 EUR
10  2017-02-14   953.93 EUR
11  2017-02-06   953.52 EUR
12  2017-02-04   951.30 EUR
13  2017-02-11   949.68 EUR
14  2017-02-12   946.24 EUR
15  2017-02-05   945.54 EUR
16  2017-02-03   942.26 EUR
17  2017-01-01   937.48 EUR
18  2017-02-13   937.09 EUR
19  2017-02-09   932.77 EUR
20  2016-12-29   927.36 EUR

i did use an uncorrected version. thx for pointing it out. edited the post. the 18th was/is still a few hours to go, that was a bit to early. feel free to do it yourself, though i still would like to do this as well. you decide.
would you be interested to do a version in chinese yuan? with USD, €uro and yuan most of the worldwide exchange trade would be covered.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 18, 2017, 03:59:19 PM
uro update:

1   2017-01-04   1045.93
2   2017-02-18   1000.21
3   2017-02-08   983.77
4   2017-02-17   990.91
5   2017-01-03   978.51
6   2017-02-16   974.94
7   2017-02-07   977.62
8   2017-01-05   969.07
9   2017-01-02   967.42
10  2017-02-15   959.22
11  2017-02-14   953.78
12  2017-02-06   953.53
13  2017-02-04   951.3
14  2017-02-11   949.68
15  2017-02-12   946.24
16  2017-02-05   945.54
17  2017-02-03   942.26
18  2017-01-01   937.48
19  2017-02-13   937.09
20  2017-02-09   932.77

Are you generating this by hand? #4 is higher than #3, #7 is higher than #6, and #2 is for a day that didn't finish yet.

How about I post both tables in future? It's no extra work for me. Here's my version:


 1  2017-01-04  1045.93 EUR
2  2017-02-17   990.91 EUR
3  2017-02-08   983.77 EUR
 4  2017-01-03   978.51 EUR
5  2017-02-07   977.62 EUR
6  2017-02-16   974.94 EUR
 7  2017-01-05   969.07 EUR
 8  2017-01-02   967.42 EUR
9  2017-02-15   959.22 EUR
10  2017-02-14   953.93 EUR
11  2017-02-06   953.52 EUR
12  2017-02-04   951.30 EUR
13  2017-02-11   949.68 EUR
14  2017-02-12   946.24 EUR
15  2017-02-05   945.54 EUR
16  2017-02-03   942.26 EUR
17  2017-01-01   937.48 EUR
18  2017-02-13   937.09 EUR
19  2017-02-09   932.77 EUR
20  2016-12-29   927.36 EUR
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 18, 2017, 03:48:26 PM
You are already to the 18th, while it seems as if dooglus is waiting until after midnight UT for the daily candle of the 18th to close before posting about the 18th, and then I thought that dooglus was using a daily average that is determined after the candle closes (correct me if I described that wrong).  

My numbers are the UTC daily volume weighted BitStamp prices, so I post after midnight UTC each day. It's still the 18th all over Europe at the moment so I don't know what 600watt's numbers represent.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
February 18, 2017, 03:29:47 PM
uro update:

1   2017-01-04   1045.93
2   2017-02-18   1000.21
3   2017-02-08   983.77
4   2017-02-17   990.91
5   2017-01-03   978.51
6   2017-02-16   974.94
7   2017-02-07   977.62
8   2017-01-05   969.07
9   2017-01-02   967.42
10  2017-02-15   959.22
11  2017-02-14   953.78
12  2017-02-06   953.53
13  2017-02-04   951.3
14  2017-02-11   949.68
15  2017-02-12   946.24
16  2017-02-05   945.54
17  2017-02-03   942.26
18  2017-01-01   937.48
19  2017-02-13   937.09
20  2017-02-09   932.77

the top 20 bitcoin days (€) are all in 2017 now. oldest value is jan.1st 2017. currently second best day of almost 2000 days. 15 out of 20 days are within last 4 weeks.

Hey 600watt: I am a bit unclear about your methodology, here.  I believe that I do understand your points regarding Euro/BTC prices being quite higher than those dollar/BTC prices, mostly due to the USD having considerable performance over the past few years.

Let me get back to my original question.  You are already to the 18th, while it seems as if dooglus is waiting until after midnight UT for the daily candle of the 18th to close before posting about the 18th, and then I thought that dooglus was using a daily average that is determined after the candle closes (correct me if I described that wrong).  

Are you using a different time zone 600watt, or are you using a different method to determine BTC price that is not daily average but instead the BTC price at a certain time of the day?
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
February 18, 2017, 02:34:08 PM
uro update:

1   2017-01-04   1045.93
2   2017-02-18   1000.21
3   2017-02-17   990.91
4   2017-02-08   983.77
5   2017-01-03   978.51
6   2017-02-07   977.62
7   2017-02-16   974.94
8   2017-01-05   969.07
9   2017-01-02   967.42
10  2017-02-15   959.22
11  2017-02-14   953.78
12  2017-02-06   953.53
13  2017-02-04   951.3
14  2017-02-11   949.68
15  2017-02-12   946.24
16  2017-02-05   945.54
17  2017-02-03   942.26
18  2017-01-01   937.48
19  2017-02-13   937.09
20  2017-02-09   932.77

the top 20 bitcoin days (€) are all in 2017 now. oldest value is jan.1st 2017. currently second best day of almost 2000 days. 15 out of 20 days are within last 4 weeks.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
February 18, 2017, 01:01:28 AM

 1  2013-11-30  1132.29 USD
 2  2013-12-04  1111.56 USD
 3  2017-01-04  1088.45 USD
 4  2013-11-29  1065.36 USD
 5  2013-12-03  1050.57 USD
6  2017-02-17  1049.51 USD
7  2017-02-08  1045.63 USD
8  2017-02-07  1043.50 USD
9  2017-02-16  1029.04 USD
10  2017-02-04  1022.99 USD
11  2017-02-06  1021.23 USD
12  2017-01-03  1020.56 USD
13  2017-02-05  1015.96 USD
14  2017-01-02  1013.00 USD
15  2017-02-03  1009.32 USD
16  2017-02-15  1009.09 USD
17  2017-02-11  1008.19 USD
18  2017-02-14  1006.66 USD
19  2017-01-05  1005.35 USD
20  2017-02-12  1002.34 USD
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
February 17, 2017, 05:35:04 AM
Solidly out of the triple digits!

Next step is to get rid of those unsightly 2013s.  Cheesy

Yes, making an ATH would be a good start...

Baby steps Wink
Activity: 4116
Merit: 4738
You're never too old to think young.
February 17, 2017, 01:28:14 AM
Solidly out of the triple digits!

Next step is to get rid of those unsightly 2013s.  Cheesy
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