Today Bitcoin has passed all old ATH and created new one and if everything is correct we will seen bigger then this price double in coming days
You think the price will double in the coming days? If you firm that up a bit (define "coming days", and double what exactly?) I'd be willing to bet that you're wrong.
I am still waiting for Bitcoin to pass that unofficial (yet listed on MtGox at that time) ATH of $1242.
Here's the raw data of the MtGox prices around that time. The volume weighted price on the day of the $1242 high was $1163.49, so we already are ahead of that. (And I'm using BitStamp prices anyway):
Update - surprisingly not a new 'jackpot':
BitStamp USD/BTC OKCoin CNY/BTC Kraken EUR/BTC Kraken CAD/BTC CoinCheck JPY/BTC
----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
1 2017-03-01 1210.05 | 1 2017-02-28 7969.60 | 1 2017-03-01 1143.89 | 1 2017-03-01 1585.51 | 1 2017-03-01 140647.88
2 2017-02-28 1192.35 | 2 2017-03-01 7966.18 | 2 2017-02-28 1120.27 | 2 2017-02-28 1559.68 | 2 2017-02-28 137761.07
3 2017-02-27 1187.58 | 3 2017-01-04 7930.09 | 3 2017-02-27 1117.60 | 3 2017-02-27 1495.83 | 3 2017-02-24 135923.92
4 2017-02-24 1174.77 | 4 2017-02-27 7924.76 | 4 2017-02-24 1113.01 | 4 2017-02-23 1480.83 | 4 2017-02-27 135030.14
5 2017-02-26 1167.15 | 5 2017-02-24 7885.10 | 5 2017-02-26 1101.62 | 5 2017-02-22 1462.33 | 5 2017-01-05 134130.07
6 2017-02-25 1158.37 | 6 2017-02-25 7771.73 | 6 2017-02-25 1094.56 | 6 2017-01-04 1447.48 | 6 2017-02-26 133575.11
7 2017-02-23 1153.56 | 7 2017-02-26 7730.95 | 7 2017-02-23 1091.44 | 7 2017-02-24 1445.98 | 7 2017-02-25 132916.76
8 2013-11-30 1132.29 | 8 2017-02-23 7670.37 | 8 2017-02-22 1062.21 | 8 2017-02-25 1431.30 | 8 2017-02-23 132337.14
9 2017-02-22 1126.24 | 9 2017-01-05 7503.71 | 9 2017-01-04 1045.93 | 9 2017-02-26 1396.75 | 9 2017-01-04 131489.82
10 2013-12-04 1111.56 | 10 2017-02-22 7464.16 | 10 2017-02-21 1043.01 | 10 2017-02-21 1378.77 | 10 2017-02-22 129848.88
11 2017-02-21 1104.60 | 11 2013-11-30 7405.69 | 11 2017-02-20 1003.13 | 11 2017-01-03 1371.34 | 11 2017-02-21 126654.44
12 2017-01-04 1088.45 | 12 2017-01-03 7389.84 | 12 2017-02-18 999.75 | 12 2017-02-07 1362.32 | 12 2017-01-03 122707.19
13 2013-11-29 1065.36 | 13 2017-02-21 7376.07 | 13 2017-02-17 990.91 | 13 2017-02-08 1361.83 | 13 2013-11-30 122146.55
14 2017-02-20 1065.03 | 14 2017-02-08 7367.02 | 14 2017-02-19 989.48 | 14 2017-02-17 1360.19 | 14 2017-02-20 121947.53
15 2017-02-18 1060.53 | 15 2017-02-07 7347.40 | 15 2017-02-08 983.77 | 15 2017-02-19 1358.94 | 15 2017-01-02 121517.69
16 2017-02-19 1051.93 | 16 2017-01-02 7323.36 | 16 2017-01-03 978.51 | 16 2017-01-05 1356.48 | 16 2017-02-18 121413.79
17 2013-12-03 1050.57 | 17 2017-02-06 7245.30 | 17 2017-02-07 977.62 | 17 2017-01-02 1353.14 | 17 2017-02-19 121203.40
18 2017-02-17 1049.51 | 18 2017-02-05 7216.24 | 18 2017-02-16 974.94 | 18 2017-02-06 1347.02 | 18 2017-02-08 121106.15
19 2017-02-08 1045.63 | 19 2017-02-18 7184.08 | 19 2017-01-05 969.07 | 19 2017-02-05 1339.71 | 19 2017-02-17 120899.37
20 2017-02-07 1043.50 | 20 2017-02-20 7169.83 | 20 2017-01-02 967.42 | 20 2017-02-20 1334.78 | 20 2017-02-16 118865.98