How confident are you in this prediction?
But seriously, you might consider using a script to generate your reports. I posted mine in this thread not long ago, and here it is again:
vwap() {
rows=$(wget -o/dev/null -O- "$days&i=Daily" |
sed 's/], \[/\n/g' |
head -n $((days-1)) |
tr -d '[],' |
awk '{print $1, $8}' |
sort -k2nr |
head -$top
newest=$(echo "$rows" | sort -n | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
printf "Update:\n[pre]\n"
month_ago=$(($(date +%s) - 60*60*24*32))
echo "$rows" |
while read t p
if ((t > month_ago)); then b1="[b]" ; b2="[/b]" ; else b1=""; b2=""; fi
if ((t == newest)) ; then c1="[color=#7F0000]"; c2="[/color]"; else c1=""; c2=""; fi
printf "%s%s%2d %s %7.2f $currency%s%s\n" "$b1" "$c1" $n "$(TZ= date -d @$t +%Y-%m-%d)" $p "$c2" "$b2"
printf "[/pre]\n"
You should be able to adapt that to work for Euros.
Edit: note that bold font is used for prices less than a month old.
Edit2: I second qwk's proposal to use ISO 8601 for date formats. It makes sense because writing the most significant information first (the year) and the least significant last (the day of the month) matches how we write numbers - (hundreds first, units last), so sorting alphabetically also sorts into date order.