Today may become top 4 or 3
We'll see...
I scripted the report generation. Until now I was doing it by hand each day.
Here's the top 100 volume weighted daily prices:
1 2013-11-30 1132.29
2 2013-12-04 1111.56
3 2013-11-29 1065.36
4 2013-12-03 1050.57
5 2017-01-03 1020.56
6 2017-01-02 1013.00
7 2013-12-02 1000.49
8 2013-11-28 998.56
9 2017-01-01 987.47
10 2013-12-05 975.06
11 2016-12-29 967.02
12 2016-12-28 955.98
13 2016-12-31 955.73
14 2016-12-30 951.07
15 2013-12-01 945.67
16 2013-12-10 941.56
17 2013-11-27 937.09
18 2014-01-06 936.62
19 2016-12-27 922.42
20 2016-12-24 900.20
21 2016-12-26 898.97
22 2016-12-23 897.77
23 2013-12-06 894.36
24 2013-12-11 890.42
25 2014-01-11 883.00
26 2013-12-13 882.99
27 2014-01-05 881.82
28 2016-12-25 874.03
29 2013-12-09 867.49
30 2013-12-12 862.85
31 2013-12-14 860.41
32 2014-01-12 858.24
33 2014-01-07 857.96
34 2016-12-22 855.94
35 2013-11-26 849.32
36 2013-12-15 838.37
37 2014-01-15 837.66
38 2013-11-23 832.85
39 2014-01-20 831.00
40 2014-01-10 829.44
41 2014-01-16 828.18
42 2014-01-21 821.57
43 2014-01-19 821.41
44 2014-01-14 821.00
45 2014-01-26 819.29
46 2014-02-02 818.22
47 2016-12-21 816.48
48 2014-02-01 815.29
49 2014-01-09 815.29
50 2014-01-13 814.71
51 2014-01-22 814.24
52 2014-01-04 814.07
53 2014-01-23 811.40
54 2014-01-08 809.64
55 2014-02-03 808.55
56 2014-01-18 808.12
57 2013-11-25 807.80
58 2014-02-04 803.25
59 2014-01-31 801.74
60 2014-01-03 798.57
61 2014-01-25 796.79
62 2014-02-05 796.18
63 2014-01-17 795.31
64 2013-11-24 795.08
65 2014-01-30 794.78
66 2014-01-29 794.65
67 2016-12-20 793.38
68 2016-12-19 791.41
69 2016-12-18 787.21
70 2014-01-24 786.70
71 2016-12-17 786.01
72 2014-01-28 781.56
73 2016-12-16 778.66
74 2016-12-13 778.31
75 2016-12-14 776.73
76 2016-12-15 776.63
77 2014-01-27 776.44
78 2016-12-12 775.18
79 2014-02-06 774.92
80 2016-12-10 772.55
81 2016-12-09 770.33
82 2014-01-02 768.67
83 2016-12-08 768.16
84 2016-12-11 767.68
85 2016-12-02 766.70
86 2016-12-03 762.58
87 2016-12-07 762.03
88 2016-12-04 758.91
89 2016-12-06 755.27
90 2016-06-19 754.72
91 2016-06-18 753.96
92 2016-12-05 749.99
93 2016-12-01 749.47
94 2016-11-19 748.08
95 2014-01-01 745.45
96 2016-11-18 744.66
97 2016-11-17 744.08
98 2013-11-22 743.65
99 2016-06-20 741.90
100 2016-11-22 741.88 seems to be working again. It has $1013.00 for the #6 price on 2017-01-02, whereas the other site says $1013.01. I'll be switching back to the prices from today.
Edit: here's the (bash) script I wrote that generates these reports:
vwap() {
rows=$(wget -o/dev/null -O- "$days&i=Daily" |
sed 's/], \[/\n/g' |
head -n $((days-1)) |
tr -d '[],' |
awk '{print $1, $8}' |
sort -k2nr |
head -$top
newest=$(echo "$rows" | sort -n | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
printf "Update:\n[pre]\n"
echo "$rows" |
while read t p
if ((t > 1400000000)); then b1="[b]" ; b2="[/b]" ; else b1=""; b2=""; fi
if ((t == newest)) ; then c1="[color=#7F0000]"; c2="[/color]"; else c1=""; c2=""; fi
printf "%s%s%2d %s %7.2f%s%s\n" "$b1" "$c1" $n "$(TZ= date -d @$t +%Y-%m-%d)" $p "$c2" "$b2"
printf "[/pre]\n"