| Rank BitStamp USD/BTC | Rank Kraken GBP/BTC | Rank Kraken EUR/BTC | Rank Kraken CAD/BTC | Rank Kraken JPY/BTC |
| 1 2024-03-13 72901 USD | | 1 2024-03-13 57001 GBP| | 1 2024-03-13 66641 EUR| | 1 2024-03-13 98050 CAD| | 1 2024-03-13 10738120 JPY|
| 100 2021-03-12 56712 USD | |100 2021-04-07 41321 GBP| |100 2021-10-13 48206 EUR| |100 2021-10-14 70848 CAD| |100 2023-12-06 6451442 JPY|
* * Chart Explanation * *
EDIT: Flipped GBP and EUR for consistency. The next biggest currency volume after USD seems to be Korean Wan, JPY, EUR, Singapore Dollar, GBP, and then Brazilian Real from this source https://www.coinhills.com/market/currency/
For some reason the green is missing in this table (the oldest date).
You might have a good point about the top 5 traded currencies might be more important than other considerations.. so I would be open to the idea of changing it to the top 5 currencies based on trade volume. Based on that coinhills website, the Canadian Dollar is really far down the list (#18), so it does not seem as relevant based on such trade volume considerations.
I understand that the top 5 based on trade volume could fluctuate, but on that website it does seem that the top 4 have more of a distance from the 5th place, which likely the 5th place will fluctuate a lot more.... since the 5th one is currently under 1,000 BTC traded.. at least for today...maybe we might consider over a longer period of time in order to analyze if trade volume might change very much in terms of putting which ones into the top 5?
So yeah the top 5based on today's trade volume would be 1) the dollar 2) the Korean Won 3) JPY 4) EUR.... 5) SGD.... I am not exactly attached to any of the non-dollar currencies, but it does seem to be interesting to see what the top traded volume coins might be doing (to the extent that the trade volume is determined to not be fake). Prior to the 2016 China crack down on exchanges at that time, the CNY was trading like 10x anyone else, but then we realized that as with many things chinese, there was a lot of fakeness to it.
I imagine that once we figure out which currencies to retain in the charts, you probably would not want to be switching very frequently.. .. so I am not sure if there might be a better way of choosing which ones to retain, except based on something like trade volume.. and perhaps even better if there were a way to look at trade volume over a longer period of time to see if there might be a consistent set in the top 5... maybe in the last 3-6 months.. or even weekly for the last 3-6 months.