A wish to trade, observe graphs, predict prices, check news, search for valuable ICO/IEO/DeFi projects? This is not an addiction, this is just an interest in something imho.
Having an interest is fine. Having an obsession might not be. Why are people having difficulty comprehending this? Are people just reading the OP and completely ignoring all the replies?
Are you familiar with the phrase "everything in moderation"? It's when people take things too far that it becomes an issue. If someone becomes so consumed with checking their trades that it starts to have a detrimental impact on their life, then they likely need help.
I've seen it happen right here on the forum with someone complaining about "problems in Bitcoin" when their actual problem was addiction. They were completely in denial and wanted to blame everyone else for the fact that their life was falling apart. They couldn't leave the exchange alone and kept trying to place manual trades in a futile attempt to keep up with automated trading bots. No wonder they went crazy thinking that would work.