I'v done 12 hour test - on neoscrypt (GBX).
The results are bad.
Hashrate: 10 500 Khash/sek
Earnings for 12 hours and 43 min: 0.28172701 GBX - GoBYTE
According to Whattomine calculator i should get 0.965211 GBX per 24 hours, and yes i know its estimate BUT....
with your pool for 12 hours mining i get 0.28172701 GBX - half of 0.4826055 GBX that i should get.
Have good day and nice mining!
PS: Can someone tell me good pool(i mean - pool that pay to you exactly what you mine) for neoscrypt mining ?
As you said, Whattomine calculations are estimations. When you want to check earnings, you should perform calculations according to the profit that change each 5 seconds. The difficulty changes very frequently and I don't think that a calculation performed once before mining can be checked against earnings. It is very difficult to check that an estimate is correct compared with earnings.
During your test, I think that GBX difficulty evolves differently than the calculations of whattomine.
What I suggest you is to compare pools: point half of you hashpower on unimining.net and half on another pool during the same time period. Without calculations, you'll be able to compare easily earnings based on what you receive from each pool. Some miners like to use a new wallet address for each pool to be able to compare more pools quicker. On a long term basis, all pools with similar fees should give you similar earnings.
When I discuss with miners that like to compare pools, they prefer to use a longer time period than 12 hours (they mine on different pools during at least one week or two) and mining on several pools with the same hashpower on each during the same time period allows you to avoid to make calculations to compare.
Have a nice mining