I dunno. This strike, though highly publicized (this dominated the news cycle) was largely ineffectual. Struck a largely empty airfield, after giving them an advanced notice. Essentially, it seems like we paid many millions of dolkars to give Assad some free construction work. This kind of feels like a misdirection, a media event with a feel good component to distract from Russia.
Obumbo was reluctant to ash her... for me, what new tactical nuke can be used on the palace? Nuremberg bs are too slow and cumbersome.
Flash it, next, done, bbq+beer sunset. Why waste time.
And it's called the munition shuffling doctrine... bombs are like eggs, fresher one may not fly away
LMAO, when the eggs cost a few million a piece, I'd at least make an omelette for the dog to enjoy, rather than simply throw them into the street.
Im more at, we should have been chill in this, or at least waited a little to act. Preempting the investigation (although I'm pretty sure our intelligence will know more about it than the investigators) seemed brash in the court of global public opinion. Passing this by Congress might have softened the optics on this, but, ultimately would not have changed the outcome, I think.
A "largely ineffectual" military play? What's wrong with that?
Kind of like telling some punks to "watch out, or we'll come and stomp on you."