At this point usagi is attacking me instead of what I'm posting, and in fact skipping over entire chunks of my posts just to pull out parts where I come right out and say I'm trolling him. As well I apparently have become illiterate to his form of English.
As for clear and concise, I've tried to lay everything out in bullet points; while the post is long, there's a lot in it. You've gone at me for semantics so I tried to be very clear in what I said, then you say I'm being too wordy, the whole time ignoring what I've said. If you care to respond to it please do not cherry pick the least important parts, ignoring both the bulk and significant comments and actually respond to the 3 (yes, only three!) issues presented.
If anything it's just time to make a new thread as this one is long, more than slightly off track in a few places, and has already been evaluated once by the mods.
The problem is not that I am attacking you, it's that I am attacking you for being wrong. And you are wrong. You say yourself that you don't have any supporting documents and that you are working from an understanding of what other people have said ("my understanding ...."). This invalidates everything you say factually, although you're still welcome to your opinion.
Having control of 90% does NOT give you carte blanche to do what you like with funds. Consider the following 3 scenarios:
Deprived is often wrong too. He is not wrong when he says the above; but the insinuation I did what I want "carte blanche" is wrong. The point I was making by pointing out my controlling interest was twofold; one, the claims that I was invalidating swindling people or ripping people off; it makes no sense to pay $9 to swindle $1; (or more accurately since mining crashed, to swindle $0.50 by paying $4.50). Two, I was pointing out that I did not need a shareholder motion as you pointed out.
There was a very well advertised board for CPA as well, and for a long time. ~2 months after formation Nefario E-mailed me confirmation that all the board members still had their shares. That means even at the very end I could account for something like 60-70% of CPA shares too. And all of those shares usually voted as a bloc as well as my own shares.
This is how companies work. If someone controlls 85% of a company, they can pass any kind of motion they want. This is not a crime or a swindle. It's just a fact. Now, if (big if) I
launched a shareholder motion, which
caused a demonstrable financial loss for personal gain, then and only then would I be guilty of
fraud, and ONLY because I had a duty to protect shareholder interests. The difference between that and what you are claiming though, is that by committing fraud in the manner you describe I would have destroyed my own financial holding in the company. This does not make sense.
There is no motive.There was no gain.
There was no lie.
You keep repeating the same accusations over and over. Unfortunately repetition is not going to work here. Although I am not a mod I suggest, that if you really believe I am a scammer, you clearly and concisely show something along these lines:
1. Come up with a group of people (a class of people) who is clearly defined and identifiable whom I stole, swindled, or defrauded money from. At least one of these people and likely two or more must be able to prove that they were deliberately lied to. This will be very difficult considering the clearly advertised risk in the contracts (see #3).
2. You have to show there was an intent to decieve; particularly, in the case of fraud, that there was an intent to decieve
for financial gain. You will never ever be able to prove this, because I have already proven it is false. Who would sell $9 to swindle $1? Doesn't make sense.
3. You have to show there was a way out and/or the result was a consequence of my foreknowledge if you want to blame me for the choices I made. In particular; BMF advertised itself as a niche product which was 100% invested into GLBSE mining bonds. It was
unique among assets at the time. It is quite clear people were attracted to this. After the fact you cannot state I had foreknowledge. You cannot claim I could predict the future and I chose to use this knowledge to cause people to lose money. Where's the motive?
This isn't a case like Goldman Sachs fraud where they called people on the phone and said "buy this lemon" and the lemon didn't actually exist, or was known by Goldman Sachs to be rotten. That was actual fraud. People were lied to, Goldman Sachs took their money, and ran with it. I on the other hand provided an investment vehicle with clearly defined risks and rewards, and the trading process was automated. When I advertised my products I advertised what they were and their performance over x weeks or months.
I did not commit fraud, and I did not lie to people about what I was doing. Even the "creative accounting" statement is a joke. For example back when I did the interview with Garr of COGNITIVE, it was about 0.35 bitcoins. I said it was going to 0.55 or 0.6 and it did. I kept COGNITIVE around 0.5 or 0.55 bitcoins even after the mining crash because I correctly identified that people were selling out and that it was not an actual drop in value. I even bought more shares of certain companies like GIGAMINING because I correctly guessed that they represented a greater value than they were going for. Why buy a $599 single when you can buy 60 bitcoins and then buy the equivalent of two singles from a mining bond company? --> So BMF was getting a really good deal. This is undeniable.
It is not my fault GLBSE shut down. I am not Nefario, sorry.
I am not responsible for the mining crash nor leading people into a faulty investment vehicle. NO ONE could have predicted the sudden-ness, the swiftness, etc. of the mining crash. Similar with CPA and NYAN. The risks were clearly advertised in the contracts. I am absolutely and unequivocably not responsible for risks an investor chose to take on.
look, you and the other 4-5 trolls have tried and failed for months to show any nefarious intent. Howsabout you stop now, and let this board be used to find some real frauds and scammers? Look around there's plenty without you having to gum it up.
In short....
Title of thread: falsifying NAVs, manipulating share prices and misleading investors.
1. falsifying NAVs (Shown to be false -- data was pulled directly from the GLBSE in our spreadsheets)
2. manipulating share prices (meaningless, we bought and sold on GLBSE, shown to be false with #1)
3. and misleading investors (shown to be false, no motive, etc.)
if you believe I am a scammer at least come up with a new accusation and post it in a new scammer accusation thread.