Usagi: "I am not a scammer"
The rest of us: "But an Unethical Scummyfuck tag does not exist so this will have to do"
w/e, Usagi is another version of Dank - the trolls will consistently bomb the threads for us
Hilarity will ensue.
Long live those trolls.
You lied in order to break a contract you signed with me and then you were an asshole about it on the forums. Actually, you yourself pretty much deserve a scammer tag for what you did.
This is about you not him. So you agree that breaking a contract and being an asshole deserves a scammer tag? Great, then we can save ourselves time and get you that scammer tag right now! Actually, the fact that you have a VIP tag is a disgrace for this forum. I mean, some people don't know that you just bought it. It is not that you did anything to deserve to be labelled as a Very Impotant Person.
Since this is about me, once and for all, can you lay it out exactly what I did to deserve a scammer tag?
because all this babbling is making you look stupid.
here, let me give you an example. HashKing got a scammer tag because:
He lied about what he did with people's money, he lied about guaranteeing it, and he threatened not to pay people back.Patrick Harnett got a scammer tag recently because he apparently:
Intentionally lied in order to get more of investors money to cover his own personal debts, apparently without an intention to pay people back.Nefario got a scammer tag because he:
lied about returning bitcoins and information to shareholders and issuers, blowing everything upPirate got a scammer tag because he:
is a wanted con man.Now let's see, can you come up with something like that? No. Let's start with breaking contracts. If you examine the contracts I wrote it's really quite simple. Investors were exposed to certain kinds of risk. For example, in BMF, they were quite clearly exposed to the risk of investing in.... mining. And so forth. Surprise surprise, now people like puppet and eskimobob want to call me a scammer because mining crashed and BMF lost money. When you look at it, it sounds so dumb, what you are accusing me of, that I don't think anyone really believes you are being serious. It's obvious you're just a retarded troll.
So go ahead, why am I am a scammer precisely? Please don't say "because an older boy told me to say it". You already look dumb enough as it is, deeplink.