So far it's steady around 334.2Mh/s. I finally got 99 of them working with CGMiner 3.1.1 this evening on a Win7 laptop.
Had a lot of trouble with 3.2.1 crashing on Win7 after about 6 detections, so I decided to roll it back and try my luck with 3.1.1. Missed the hotplug aspect of 3.2.1, but being able to specify each com## worked out well. Running 10 Anker hubs with 9 usb miners with arctic fans, and 1 Anker hub without the fan. For some reason one of the ports isn't working on the 11th, so 100 has been elusive.
Ran a copy of CGMiner for each Anker hub and hopefully this will stay up. With BitMinter, I had to restart a couple of workers every so often, so CGMiner has been great.
A big thanks to MikeMike for starting this thread and to everyone who has posted.
How are your error rates with the Arctic fan? I was running one on an Anker as well, but it seemed like it wasn't big enough to get airflow to the USB ports at the edges. On the other hand, right now I have an 8" desk fan pointed at the hub and miners, and I'm seeing about 1% errors, so I'm not convinced that that's much better than the Arctic.
Currently getting about 1%+ with the Arctics. While the ones on the edge feel a bit warmer, the error rate is actually on par with the interior ones so I've been thinking about getting a desk fan to increase the overall airflow.
Interesting, maybe I should switch back to an Arctic. I get a little under 1% with a desk fan, but not much under 1%. The big problem with my desk fan, at least, is that it's just wide enough to cover all my Erupters, but there's a big airflow dead spot in the middle where the fan's axle is. So the BE in the center of the hub runs slightly hotter and has a slightly higher error rate than the rest.
I have a couple of these on order, maybe they'll work better:
You're probably going to be better off with the Thermaltakes on order, the arctic fans aren't cutting it right now. After more than 24 hours the HW errors are piling up, it's jumped to over 10% error rates. Thanks for the link, might just get a couple of thermaltakes as well.
Thanks for the info. Hopefully the Thermaltakes will arrive today. I'll report back on how effective they are.
I received the Thermaltakes earlier today and they've been running for about 8 hours now. I can report that, so far, they cool at least as well as the desk fan; I'm slightly under 1% errors overall. The two of them side by side also cover the length of the Anker hub a bit better, without much of a dead airflow spot in the middle.
They're a bit noisy at full speed, but they draw a *lot* less power than the desk fan, so that seems like a fair trade-off to me.