
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 37. (Read 45532 times)

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
This is a really serious matter.No one knows whether the vaccine is useful or not.No state in the world will tell you that.I suppose not 100% sure of the usefulness of vaccination.In my country, if you don't make a vaccine, the child can't go to kindergarten and then they won't go to school.If an adult does not vaccinate then it will not take the job.As the this all suspicious Undecided

In the States, Britain, Canada, Australia, parts of India, Belize, and a few other places, there is such a thing as common law. What common law is, is law that is common to the location within the country. And to make sure that the common law is observed in each location, when there is a question of law, accusations are filed with the courts, and are judged by a 12-person jury for the locality.

In all these listed countries, the jury has the right to nullify the law for their location. If a man is on trial, the jury has the right to find the guy guilty and make him pay, or to find the government guilty and make them pay the man. The so-called judge is out of the picture except as a referee when the jury is in session. The jury runs the government. But if jury members don't know the power of the jury, odds are that they won't use it.

What country are you from? Civil law countries can be turned to common law, but it is difficult.

Learn how to reclaim your sovereignty and fight government tyranny through jury nullification...

Americans have a little-known weapon at their disposal to shut down government tyranny in an instant, and it's known as jury nullification.

A recent episode of "Sovereignty International," available for viewing at, discusses jury nullification at length, revealing how the Founding Fathers incorporated this powerful tool of justice into the Constitution as a failsafe against totalitarianism.

In a nutshell, jury nullification allows jurors – everyday people like you and I – to nullify court cases in which innocent people are being prosecuted for breaking unjust laws. One example of an unjust law is cannabis prohibition, an unconstitutional "law" that violates the natural right of Americans to use plants.

There are many other examples of unjust laws – red-light cameras that ticket drivers without a real-life officer present; property owners facing large fines or possible jail time for growing vegetables in their yards; and even capturing rainwater in barrels without "permission."

Pretty much any scenario in which a free individual is facing prosecution for a "crime" involving laws that are unjust or unconstitutional warrants jury nullification – otherwise the police state will only continue to grow larger and more authoritarian.

"The state is indistinguishable from a criminal cartel," explains the Jury Nullification module at "And jury nullification would put a stop to it."

Read more and watch the video at

sr. member
Activity: 722
Merit: 258
This is a really serious matter.No one knows whether the vaccine is useful or not.No state in the world will tell you that.I suppose not 100% sure of the usefulness of vaccination.In my country, if you don't make a vaccine, the child can't go to kindergarten and then they won't go to school.If an adult does not vaccinate then it will not take the job.As the this all suspicious Undecided
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Look how Asgrath states a couple of totally irrelevant facts about polio vaccine (and from the WHO besides) and thinks it is 'research'.

It is a FACT that up until a few years before I was born polio vaccines had, among other contaminates that nobody knew about, a virus called SV40.  This virus is found in half of the cancer tumors to this day.  That doesn't mean that it 'caused' all of the cancers (a profitable condition for the medical/industrial complex and one which is now very very common) but it is also very likely to be a contributing factor.  Of course anyone who studies this finds problems in their career.

Most people don't understand the technology of cultivating viruses and how difficult it is to understand what is in the mix.  The target virus (say polio in this case) was grown on monkey kidneys (or was back in the day) but a hell of a lot of other things grew as well.  Impossible to sort them all out, and very difficult to even identify them.  Even in recent times with the rotavirus vaccine several pig viruses were found long after they started injecting them into humans.

I might also note that the guy who holds the patents on rotavirus is Paul Offit who sits on various boards who decide what American kids should be shot up with.  He won't say how much he makes off his patents.  He was also on the panel where Dr. Baker of Baylor Medical School 'joked' that to get rid of the problem of people not wanting to shoot up their kids the U.S. should 'get rid of white people.'   Dr. Paul Offit is the go-to guy for the mainstream media whenever they talk about vaccinations.

Another funny fact about polio is that the 47,500 kids in India who were paralyzed after getting Gates' vaccine got a problem which was 'clinically indistinguishable' from polio.  But it was not polio because it came from a vaccine.  To add insult to injury, the rate of physical damage from 'wild strain polio' in India was already very low before Bill Gates' 'philanthropy'.

Another thing which people don't know is that 'polio' was often not a crippling disease.  My dad had it as a kid and when he was an adult he was in amazingly good physical condition.  His job was to climb 200 ft trees talking off all of the limbs, cut to top out, and rig it with cables for high-lead logging.  This is not a job for pussies.

A real doctor, and one who took a 90% pay cut in order to do the right thing by humanity, gave a pretty good series of lectures on the polio question.  Very eye-opening.  Here's a little clip of the hours of lectures I've seen (and downloaded so it doesn't get 'lost'):

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Prevention of disease spread is accomplished by vaccination. There are two kinds of polio vaccine—oral polio vaccine (OPV), which uses weakened poliovirus, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injected.  (Fact 4, 5 etc)

''Do your research'' they yell..

Back at the end of the 1950s, polio was virtually cured, not by vaccine, but by redefining the symptoms. This means that the disease was not cured at all.

Today's redefined polio might be controlled by by medicine to some extent, but it is not the polio of the 1950s and before. More than likely it is a created polio, designed by the medical to match their medicine controls.


''not by vaccine, but by redefining the symptoms'' And you know this how? Where is the proof?

The important point is, where is the proof that vaccines work? And a second important question is, what else do they do other than working/not-working?

Check out for loads of proof that vaccines don't work, and that they are actually dangerous. And this is only one website. There is overwhelming proof that the vaccine success studies are lies. The only reasons that vaccines are still popular is the belief of ignorant people, and the medical for-profit propaganda.

Because of this, vaccination is a religion, and government is not supposed to be into religion. Get government our of forced vaccinations.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

Prevention of disease spread is accomplished by vaccination. There are two kinds of polio vaccine—oral polio vaccine (OPV), which uses weakened poliovirus, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injected.  (Fact 4, 5 etc)

''Do your research'' they yell..

Back at the end of the 1950s, polio was virtually cured, not by vaccine, but by redefining the symptoms. This means that the disease was not cured at all.

Today's redefined polio might be controlled by by medicine to some extent, but it is not the polio of the 1950s and before. More than likely it is a created polio, designed by the medical to match their medicine controls.


''not by vaccine, but by redefining the symptoms'' And you know this how? Where is the proof?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Prevention of disease spread is accomplished by vaccination. There are two kinds of polio vaccine—oral polio vaccine (OPV), which uses weakened poliovirus, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injected.  (Fact 4, 5 etc)

''Do your research'' they yell..

Back at the end of the 1950s, polio was virtually cured, not by vaccine, but by redefining the symptoms. This means that the disease was not cured at all.

Today's redefined polio might be controlled by by medicine to some extent, but it is not the polio of the 1950s and before. More than likely it is a created polio, designed by the medical to match their medicine controls.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

I wasn't sure because you believe in stupid shit too, I thought you were religious. How is the evidence thingy going on? You got any?

A lot, and of much higher quality than your 'the politicians and corporate media says vaccines are perfectly safe.'

In fact vaccines are classified as "unavoidably unsafe" officially, and billions of taxpayer dollars have been paid out to victims.  That fact is well hidden from the public and we see this forum infected by mouth-breathers like you who cannot and will not research anything.

The reason why tax-payers foot the bill when there is no alternative but to pay off a victim (99.9% of the time the government weasels out of paying) is that the politicians give the multi-national pharma corporations financial immunity for damage.  This being the case, there is no need real need for safety studies and no real harm in falsifying data (like Merck did for Mumps in the MMR in order to keep their monopoly.)  Mumps is now popping up in highly vaccinated populations because it doesn't work for shit.  But Merck don't care...they have lobbyists.

By having something like 'unavoidably unsafe' in the fine print which nobody reads (in part because doing so make you a 'conspiricy theorist') there is another layer of legal protection against people who get fucked up from their shots.

How many people still die of polio? Do you know how smallpox was eradicated? Keep yelling DO YOUR RESEARCH HURR DURR THE GOVERNMENTS ARE CONTROLLING US, stfu man you are just another delusional troll, go back into your cave with your stupid conspiracies.

Polio was eradicated in the early sixties by changing its symptoms for diagnosis on the books. This was done because all the vaccines had failed, or had caused polio.

Smallpox was never eradicated. It simply has a cycle where it dies off in the community when people use proper hygiene and common sense in living with it. The medical simply took advantage by introducing vaccines at the end of the cycle.

Now and again you hear about new outbreaks, but with proper hygiene and nutrition, and care for the sick, the outbreaks die down. In addition, the medical sees to it that the outbreaks are hushed up, supposedly to keep the populace from panic. But it is really so that the medical can save face from their failed vaccines.


Prevention of disease spread is accomplished by vaccination. There are two kinds of polio vaccine—oral polio vaccine (OPV), which uses weakened poliovirus, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injected.  (Fact 4, 5 etc)

''Do your research'' they yell..
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

I wasn't sure because you believe in stupid shit too, I thought you were religious. How is the evidence thingy going on? You got any?

A lot, and of much higher quality than your 'the politicians and corporate media says vaccines are perfectly safe.'

In fact vaccines are classified as "unavoidably unsafe" officially, and billions of taxpayer dollars have been paid out to victims.  That fact is well hidden from the public and we see this forum infected by mouth-breathers like you who cannot and will not research anything.

The reason why tax-payers foot the bill when there is no alternative but to pay off a victim (99.9% of the time the government weasels out of paying) is that the politicians give the multi-national pharma corporations financial immunity for damage.  This being the case, there is no need real need for safety studies and no real harm in falsifying data (like Merck did for Mumps in the MMR in order to keep their monopoly.)  Mumps is now popping up in highly vaccinated populations because it doesn't work for shit.  But Merck don't care...they have lobbyists.

By having something like 'unavoidably unsafe' in the fine print which nobody reads (in part because doing so make you a 'conspiricy theorist') there is another layer of legal protection against people who get fucked up from their shots.

How many people still die of polio? Do you know how smallpox was eradicated? Keep yelling DO YOUR RESEARCH HURR DURR THE GOVERNMENTS ARE CONTROLLING US, stfu man you are just another delusional troll, go back into your cave with your stupid conspiracies.

Polio was eradicated in the early sixties by changing its symptoms for diagnosis on the books. This was done because all the vaccines had failed, or had caused polio.

Smallpox was never eradicated. It simply has a cycle where it dies off in the community when people use proper hygiene and common sense in living with it. The medical simply took advantage by introducing vaccines at the end of the cycle.

Now and again you hear about new outbreaks, but with proper hygiene and nutrition, and care for the sick, the outbreaks die down. In addition, the medical sees to it that the outbreaks are hushed up, supposedly to keep the populace from panic. But it is really so that the medical can save face from their failed vaccines.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

I wasn't sure because you believe in stupid shit too, I thought you were religious. How is the evidence thingy going on? You got any?

A lot, and of much higher quality than your 'the politicians and corporate media says vaccines are perfectly safe.'

In fact vaccines are classified as "unavoidably unsafe" officially, and billions of taxpayer dollars have been paid out to victims.  That fact is well hidden from the public and we see this forum infected by mouth-breathers like you who cannot and will not research anything.

The reason why tax-payers foot the bill when there is no alternative but to pay off a victim (99.9% of the time the government weasels out of paying) is that the politicians give the multi-national pharma corporations financial immunity for damage.  This being the case, there is no need real need for safety studies and no real harm in falsifying data (like Merck did for Mumps in the MMR in order to keep their monopoly.)  Mumps is now popping up in highly vaccinated populations because it doesn't work for shit.  But Merck don't care...they have lobbyists.

By having something like 'unavoidably unsafe' in the fine print which nobody reads (in part because doing so make you a 'conspiricy theorist') there is another layer of legal protection against people who get fucked up from their shots.

How many people still die of polio? Do you know how smallpox was eradicated? Keep yelling DO YOUR RESEARCH HURR DURR THE GOVERNMENTS ARE CONTROLLING US, stfu man you are just another delusional troll, go back into your cave with your stupid conspiracies.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I wasn't sure because you believe in stupid shit too, I thought you were religious. How is the evidence thingy going on? You got any?

A lot, and of much higher quality than your 'the politicians and corporate media says vaccines are perfectly safe.'

In fact vaccines are classified as "unavoidably unsafe" officially, and billions of taxpayer dollars have been paid out to victims.  That fact is well hidden from the public and we see this forum infected by mouth-breathers like you who cannot and will not research anything.

The reason why tax-payers foot the bill when there is no alternative but to pay off a victim (99.9% of the time the government weasels out of paying) is that the politicians give the multi-national pharma corporations financial immunity for damage.  This being the case, there is no need real need for safety studies and no real harm in falsifying data (like Merck did for Mumps in the MMR in order to keep their monopoly.)  Mumps is now popping up in highly vaccinated populations because it doesn't work for shit.  But Merck don't care...they have lobbyists.

By having something like 'unavoidably unsafe' in the fine print which nobody reads (in part because doing so make you a 'conspiricy theorist') there is another layer of legal protection against people who get fucked up from their shots.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

The great thing about children is that they are generally alive and not dead.  This is due to vaccines.

There is a strong correlation between people who favor vaccines and people who want fewer people living living on earth.  Killing or sterilizing them before they have a chance to create more 'useless eaters' is much more efficient from an engineering standpoint.

Look at the smirk on the guy's face every time he tells one of those truth/lie things (meaning that if you are an insider and/or you understand the issues, you get the joke.)  Gates is actually in trouble for paralyzing 50,000 Indians with his 'polio' vaccination program.  Being 'in trouble' means a different thing to someone who is a multi-billionaire than it does to other people so he can laugh about it without much concern.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Definitely unvaccinated are more  sicker...But the vaccinated people should confirm that,,the vaccine are safe,,otherwise it will more harmful than unvaccinated.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

My God wouldn't allow governments to do it anyways, don't you agree badecker? God is powerful, he wouldn't allow this evil to happen, right? RIGHT?

Actually, your god, the devil, is the one who caused all the evil. It is also the one who is deceiving people into thinking that money is more important than human life, so that they go out and kill other people using vaccines. And you are evil, right along with it, by promoting it's agenda.

Why is it that you attempt to bring your religion into everything? And then you disguise it by suggesting that it is good, when you know it is evil?

Lucifer is the 'light bearer'.  He brings 'illumination' to his people and lets them see things in a 'better' way than we who don't know his teachings.  God is the bad one who tries to keep people ignorant.  Ignorant Christians (like you) and Atheists (like me) get 'good' and 'evil' mixed up because we reject or don't know the teachings of the light bearer.

That is a basic thesis of how some of these creeps think.

Surely a god wouldn't allow this to happen, I mean how could he? Nah, no way.

I'm an Atheist.  It's all hocus-pocus to me.

That doesn't mean that I cannot differentiate between a decent person (many/most people who know and follow Christ's fundamental teachings) and a scumbag (many/most 'Lucifarians'), or that I cannot have a preference for one over the other.

I wasn't sure because you believe in stupid shit too, I thought you were religious. How is the evidence thingy going on? You got any?
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
The great thing about children is that they are generally alive and not dead.  This is due to vaccines.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

My God wouldn't allow governments to do it anyways, don't you agree badecker? God is powerful, he wouldn't allow this evil to happen, right? RIGHT?

Actually, your god, the devil, is the one who caused all the evil. It is also the one who is deceiving people into thinking that money is more important than human life, so that they go out and kill other people using vaccines. And you are evil, right along with it, by promoting it's agenda.

Why is it that you attempt to bring your religion into everything? And then you disguise it by suggesting that it is good, when you know it is evil?

Lucifer is the 'light bearer'.  He brings 'illumination' to his people and lets them see things in a 'better' way than we who don't know his teachings.  God is the bad one who tries to keep people ignorant.  Ignorant Christians (like you) and Atheists (like me) get 'good' and 'evil' mixed up because we reject or don't know the teachings of the light bearer.

That is a basic thesis of how some of these creeps think.

Surely a god wouldn't allow this to happen, I mean how could he? Nah, no way.

I'm an Atheist.  It's all hocus-pocus to me.

That doesn't mean that I cannot differentiate between a decent person (many/most people who know and follow Christ's fundamental teachings) and a scumbag (many/most 'Lucifarians'), or that I cannot have a preference for one over the other.

jr. member
Activity: 123
Merit: 3
Я пpoтив вaкцинaции. Moй peбeнoк нe пpивит. Baкцинa нe зaщищaeт...

Good points, and I agree with most of them to some extend after the research I've done into the topic.

I don't think that vaccines and the technology is inherently bad, but I think that when corp/gov wants to save money on a cost-per-goyim basis they definitely cut corners (to give them the benefit of the doubt vis-a-vis more nefarious purposes.)  They also weasel out of responsibility for any harm they cause and shove to costs onto the victim's family.

Looks to me as though 'adjuvated' technology is where  a lot of the auto-immunity problems and general individual immune system dysfunction comes from.  'Modified Live' and 'recombinate' technologies seem more promising to me with the hope of getting rid of some of the problems associated with adjuvated vaccines.  Again though, sick and weak people are not really 'problem' for the pharmaceutical companies.  They are in fact a cash-cow.

Like you say, rabies is a no-brainer.  Used as needed.  Seems to me that vaccines could be used sparingly and in a targetted manner to deal with risks as needed ecologically.  It's as plain as the nose on one's face that the understanding of 'herd immunity' on the part of the (pseudo?-)scientific community is very poor as evidenced by the changes in vaccination rates that are supposed to achieve it.

I'd have to disagree I think vaccines in and of them self are 100% toxic and completely unhealthy for the body. There are many other natural ways to prevent disease and create immunity there are a lot of medicines that are made from plants in the amazon (I think something like 70% of medicines come from there) so they hide that info really well and don't want people to realize how easy it is to make extracts themselves and heal themselves. Look up kambo for example it is known as the vaccine of the jungle. Pretty intense but def better than some mercury laden pharm....
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

My God wouldn't allow governments to do it anyways, don't you agree badecker? God is powerful, he wouldn't allow this evil to happen, right? RIGHT?

Actually, your god, the devil, is the one who caused all the evil. It is also the one who is deceiving people into thinking that money is more important than human life, so that they go out and kill other people using vaccines. And you are evil, right along with it, by promoting it's agenda.

Why is it that you attempt to bring your religion into everything? And then you disguise it by suggesting that it is good, when you know it is evil?

Lucifer is the 'light bearer'.  He brings 'illumination' to his people and lets them see things in a 'better' way than we who don't know his teachings.  God is the bad one who tries to keep people ignorant.  Ignorant Christians (like you) and Atheists (like me) get 'good' and 'evil' mixed up because we reject or don't know the teachings of the light bearer.

That is a basic thesis of how some of these creeps think.

Surely a god wouldn't allow this to happen, I mean how could he? Nah, no way.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

My God wouldn't allow governments to do it anyways, don't you agree badecker? God is powerful, he wouldn't allow this evil to happen, right? RIGHT?

Actually, your god, the devil, is the one who caused all the evil. It is also the one who is deceiving people into thinking that money is more important than human life, so that they go out and kill other people using vaccines. And you are evil, right along with it, by promoting it's agenda.

Why is it that you attempt to bring your religion into everything? And then you disguise it by suggesting that it is good, when you know it is evil?

Lucifer is the 'light bearer'.  He brings 'illumination' to his people and lets them see things in a 'better' way than we who don't know his teachings.  God is the bad one who tries to keep people ignorant.  Ignorant Christians (like you) and Atheists (like me) get 'good' and 'evil' mixed up because we reject or don't know the teachings of the light bearer.

That is a basic thesis of how some of these creeps think.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

My God wouldn't allow governments to do it anyways, don't you agree badecker? God is powerful, he wouldn't allow this evil to happen, right? RIGHT?

Actually, your god, the devil, is the one who caused all the evil. It is also the one who is deceiving people into thinking that money is more important than human life, so that they go out and kill other people using vaccines. And you are evil, right along with it, by promoting it's agenda.

Why is it that you attempt to bring your religion into everything? And then you disguise it by suggesting that it is good, when you know it is evil?


Why would god allow this? Can't be, god wouldn't allow this, no way. Right?
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