
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 39. (Read 45532 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Wild Oregano Oil & The Diseases It Can Kill

Yet, for the typically immunized conditions only a modest amount is necessary, for instance, for chicken pox, measles, and mumps: like a few drops several times daily.


   Here’s why vaccines are unnecessary: They are merely given purportedly to immunize against or shall it be said ‘prevent’ certain diseases, most of which are rarely fatal in first world countries. These are mostly transitory viral conditions. There are safer, less invasive answers.

    Wild oregano oil is the key alternative. If it is from a truly wild source, then, it can be taken aggressively: as much as needed. Yet, for the typically immunized conditions only a modest amount is necessary, for instance, for chicken pox, measles, and mumps: like a few drops several times daily.

    Wild oregano oil can also be rubbed topically on the feet, shins, and upper chest. It can even be used topically on newborns and infants. Babies and toddlers can take a tiny amount internally, like a drop or two twice daily. In this regard it is far safer than all standard drugs, like antibiotics, cough syrups, and even infant vitamins. – Dr Cass Ingram Researcher, Speaker & Author of  34 books.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Do you have any shred of evidence that vaccines are harmful or do you just like to use fancy words and talk out of your ass?

All you need to do is look at my posts in this thread for links to various stories, and then follow up on their bibliographical references. And that is in addition to doing searches on Google and in Natural News.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
All vaccines that are administered to the public go through extensive testing.

That is simply not true.  Vaccines do not have to undergo the kinds of safety testing as do other types of medications.

On top of that, the CDC who have a healthy revolving door with the giant pharma companies are know through whistleblowers to literally throw negative results into the trashcan and destroy all the records (except those stored in a office safe in the one guy on the team who had a conscience.)  Watch the movie 'Vaxxed' for a good expose on just one such incident.

If you watch the movie, pay attention what happens to real doctors when they actually read the studies of vaccine safety which are even allowed to be published.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Do you have any shred of evidence that vaccines are harmful or do you just like to use fancy words and talk out of your ass?

Yes I do.  Among them, the presentations of hundreds of doctors, scientists, etc.

Only in rare occasions can a doctor or scientist maintain their career if they question the 'official' stance on vaccination as dictated by corp/gov.  Academia is highly reliant on support from governments, corporations, and so-called 'non-profit' entities (which are places where the wealthy can spend their money on their pet projects without paying taxes.)  Thus, it is inevitably a terminal career move to study the 'science' unless one is prepared to come up with the 'right answer' by any means necessary.

Even so, the damage is so threatening and the ethical considerations so awful to a minority of people that some small fraction will speak out.  Even this small fraction makes a huge number of people.

Activity: 23
Merit: 0
The scary thing about all this is that a few people read an article or two and then they decide that they won't give their children vaccines at all. There have been ineffective vaccines. There have been bad vaccines. There are some possible side-effects from vaccines, but the overall positive effect of vaccines far outweighs any negative things that could happen. All vaccines that are administered to the public go through extensive testing. But not getting vaccines, you can put not only yourself at risk, but also other people. If you don't vaccinate your daughter against rubella, for example, then she later get pregnant and gets rubella, she will have a much higher risk of miscarriage.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

choosing for a lesser evil, side effect of vaccination over having another epidemic case of smallpox which the total kill 500 million. we know is the better answer if the benefit gained more than the side effect then it is worth it.

I have no problem with you choosing to get any vaccines you want.  If it works for you, what's the problem?  It's sad if you treat your kid like a wheel-of-fortune game just to be part of a big-brother loving crowd, but at the end of the day that's your choice and none of my business.

I've studied the science and I know all of the 500 million scare tactics are utter horse-shit propaganda, but I know that not everyone has the aptitude to do the same.  Even fewer will as vaccine 'uptake' rates continue to climb.

A slightly more tangible problem in my eyes is that as a taxpayer and someone who live in a society, it's going to be hugely problematic for me when half the kids are on meds and 1 out of three are non-functional.  I can mitigate the problem by getting the hell out of the U.S. before its engineered collapse though.

At the end of the day, from an 'illuminated' frame of reference, if the masses are stupified zombies I can take advantage of them just the same as the vaccine pushers like Bill Gates.  But I don't want to do this and hope that I never will.  I'd rather just have a good life and have everyone else exposed to the same opportunities I have had...even if they were not born into elite wealth.

Do you have any shred of evidence that vaccines are harmful or do you just like to use fancy words and talk out of your ass?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Я пpoтив вaкцинaции. Moй peбeнoк нe пpивит. Baкцинa нe зaщищaeт...

Good points, and I agree with most of them to some extend after the research I've done into the topic.

I don't think that vaccines and the technology is inherently bad, but I think that when corp/gov wants to save money on a cost-per-goyim basis they definitely cut corners (to give them the benefit of the doubt vis-a-vis more nefarious purposes.)  They also weasel out of responsibility for any harm they cause and shove to costs onto the victim's family.

Looks to me as though 'adjuvated' technology is where  a lot of the auto-immunity problems and general individual immune system dysfunction comes from.  'Modified Live' and 'recombinate' technologies seem more promising to me with the hope of getting rid of some of the problems associated with adjuvated vaccines.  Again though, sick and weak people are not really 'problem' for the pharmaceutical companies.  They are in fact a cash-cow.

Like you say, rabies is a no-brainer.  Used as needed.  Seems to me that vaccines could be used sparingly and in a targetted manner to deal with risks as needed ecologically.  It's as plain as the nose on one's face that the understanding of 'herd immunity' on the part of the (pseudo?-)scientific community is very poor as evidenced by the changes in vaccination rates that are supposed to achieve it.

Activity: 24
Merit: 0
Я пpoтив вaкцинaции. Moй peбeнoк нe пpивит. Baкцинa нe зaщищaeт oт бoлeзни нa 100%. Зaбoлeть мoжeт и пpивитый, вce зaвиcит oт иммyннoгo cтaтyca. Baкцинaция пoдpывaeт иммyнитeт. Baкцинa мoжeт вызвaть тяжeлыe ocлoжнeния, нapyшить paбoтy мoзгa, вплoть дo лeтaльнoгo иcxoдa. Cчитaю, чтo дeтcкaя oнкoлoгия тoжe пpичинa вaкцинaции, тaк кaк чyжepoдныe бeлки и кaнцepoгeнныe вeщecтвa, вxoдящиe в cocтaв вaкцины, пpoникaя нaпpямyю в кpoвь, мoгyт вызвaть нapyшeния иммyнитeтa, и cooтвeтcтвeннo pocт paкoвыx клeтoк. Чтoбы быть здopoвым, нyжнo пoвышaть иммyнитeт, питaтьcя пищeй, бoгaтoй витaминaми. Heпpивитыe дeти peдкo бoлeют, пoтoмy чтo иx иммyнитeт paбoтaeт пpaвильнo. Eдинcтвeннaя пpививкa, кoтopaя cпacaeт жизнь, и кoтopyю нyжнo дeлaть oбязaтeльнo, этo пpививкa пpoтив виpyca бeшeнcтвa. Ho oнa являeтcя нe пpoфилaктичecкoй, a лeчeбнoй, и дeлaeтcя пo фaктy yкyca бeшeнным живoтным.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I think this study is very welcomed. It is a good one. I prefer this kind of studies/research to the ones about trivial opinions or fashion. Vaccines play an important role in our society. For sure, we have saved many lives thanks to vaccines. Nevertheless, we should not take this for granted. We should not abuse. We always tend to abuse. The same thing happens with the use of antibiotics. When we use them to much, well they become useless. Vaccines have the same problems. We use them too much, they stop helping and become dangerous. I am advocating for a better use of vaccines and traditional medicine.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

choosing for a lesser evil, side effect of vaccination over having another epidemic case of smallpox which the total kill 500 million. we know is the better answer if the benefit gained more than the side effect then it is worth it.

I have no problem with you choosing to get any vaccines you want.  If it works for you, what's the problem?  It's sad if you treat your kid like a wheel-of-fortune game just to be part of a big-brother loving crowd, but at the end of the day that's your choice and none of my business.

I've studied the science and I know all of the 500 million scare tactics are utter horse-shit propaganda, but I know that not everyone has the aptitude to do the same.  Even fewer will as vaccine 'uptake' rates continue to climb.

A slightly more tangible problem in my eyes is that as a taxpayer and someone who live in a society, it's going to be hugely problematic for me when half the kids are on meds and 1 out of three are non-functional.  I can mitigate the problem by getting the hell out of the U.S. before its engineered collapse though.

At the end of the day, from an 'illuminated' frame of reference, if the masses are stupified zombies I can take advantage of them just the same as the vaccine pushers like Bill Gates.  But I don't want to do this and hope that I never will.  I'd rather just have a good life and have everyone else exposed to the same opportunities I have had...even if they were not born into elite wealth.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Why the federal government broke vaccine law for 30 years

The Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS), starting in 1988, was supposed to report every two years to the Congress, on ongoing efforts to improve vaccine safety. NO REPORTS WERE EVER MADE.

So…why didn't they follow the law?

One: Arrogance. Federal agencies will, when they think they can get away with it, ignore a law entirely. They'll pretend it doesn't exist.

Two: Following the law would have constituted a de facto admission that vaccine safety is a problem. If you need to update your efforts in that direction every two years, there is a serious problem. The federal government does not, under any circumstances, want to admit vaccines cause widespread harm.


jr. member
Activity: 309
Merit: 5
choosing for a lesser evil, side effect of vaccination over having another epidemic case of smallpox which the total kill 500 million. we know is the better answer if the benefit gained more than the side effect then it is worth it.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Slate, Salon, Huffpost all child killers and liars about vaccines… massive, coordinated cover-up exposed

President Donald Trump has been rather vocal (to say the least) about his distaste for “fake news,” which brainwashes the public into believing lies as if they were truth. And while much of it centers around the media’s false implications concerning his campaign’s alleged “collusion” with Russia, there’s actually another fake news trend that’s even more injurious than this, as it’s led to injury and death for millions of innocent children: fake vaccine news.

Vaccine truth advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of the World Mercury Project, recently published an in-depth report revealing just how deeply the vaccine industry has penetrated the popular news media – including many media outlets that are otherwise known for being highly critical of pharmaceutical industry corruption.


Vaccines are NEVER safety tested against real placebos – it’s all junk “science”


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

President Trump is draining the "medical swamp." The U.S. health care system is plagued by rampant fraud, abuse and profiteering carried out by dishonest doctors and pharmacists. In working to combat the rampant fraud, the DOJ has announced an unprecedented crackdown on medical fraud, charging over 600 people with criminal activities that involved over $2 billion medical fraud.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered prepared remarks, saying, "This year we are charging 601 people, including 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, 19 nurses, and other medical personnel with more than $2 billion in medical fraud. In this latest operation, with the help of our fabulous partners at HHS, we have charged another 162 people—including 32 doctors—with the illegal distribution of opioids. This is the most doctors, the most medical personnel, and the most fraud that the Department of Justice has ever taken on in any single law enforcement action.  This is the most defendants we've ever charged with health care fraud.  It's also the most opioid-related fraud defendants we've ever charged in a single enforcement action."


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

And you know this how?  People who were born and indoctrinated into these other religions will tell you that their God is the true God.

Because you read the Bible?  Did you study Quran or Talmud?  How about Biology, Physics, Chemistry or Astrophysics?

Are you fallible? If you are, how do you know you are not imagining a false God?

You don't know why you believe in the God of the Bible, not the God of Quran or Talmud.  Most likely it is because you were born into Christianity and are unable to leave it despite the talking snakes, 6000 year old, flat Earth, Bronze Age moral code, magic tricks, virgin conception, and of course the resurrection, LOL.

I agree with you; you are your own idol by being so adamant about stuff you have no knowledge of.

As I have said before, the things of the Bible and the nation of Ancient Israel, as can be researched scientifically, show that these things of God are miraculous.

For example. If there were no printing press, there would still be thousands of hand-copied copies of the Bible. But there would be no Darwin writings. But if there were any Darwin writings, there might be one copy of each... the one that Darwin wrote.

In addition, while there are many copies of many books, there are so many copies of the Bible distributed worldwide, that it is mind-boggling. So, the Bible is miraculous, the power of God expressed by these things in ways that even you understand.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

The irony of saying science has proved something to be a miracle is amazing. So you admit we don't know how the universe was created, that includes god. And how did science prove that the bible is miraculous exactly, I want to know about it.

Happens frequently in the medical field when doctors know that a patient is going to die, and suddenly the patient recovers for no reason at all, and the doctors are astonished. Regarding what they know, a miracle.

As I have said before, Science doesn't have any more than guesswork regarding where the universe came from and how it came into being. They have observed all kinds of phenomenon that they don't know the whys and the wherefores of, and certainly can't duplicate. Science may suggest that such phenomenon is potentially based on some scientifically determinable knowledge, but they don't know this for a fact, or what that determinable knowledge might be. So, it is miraculous to them.

Miracles all over the place. If they weren't miracles, science would at least be able to understand, and be able to duplicate. Like, duplicate the whole universe in the lab. No can do. Not even a clue as to how to begin. The universe is one of the largest of miracles around.

And if you say that big bang is the answer, note that BB theory doesn't have any more than a shell of how things came into being. It doesn't describe the details of more than 99% of things that exist in enough detail to say that BB even has a hint as to how those things came into being within BB. And nobody really knows that the little that BB describes was really the way it happened.

The universe is a miracle. Another miraculous thing is the fact that you don't understand that the universe is a miracle. Miracles all over the place.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

If you believe in Allah, why are you not Muslim?

"Allah" is simply a translation of the word "God." I believe in God according to what is written in the Bible, not the Koran or the Hadith writings. The funny thing is that you believe in God, too. Only in your case, it is "god," because you are holding yourself up as god by attempting to believe that God doesn't exist, when you know that He might exist in many different places in the universe that you haven't examined, yet.


''I believe in God according to what is written in the Bible'' But why would anyone do that? Have you read all the books related to god and come up with the conclusion that somehow the bible is the real one? Please tell us how so we can do it too


As I have said before, it's because of the miraculous nature of all things Bible and Israel, that have scientifically been proven to be miraculous. In fact, since we don't know for a fact how the universe came into being, and since we can't begin to duplicate it, and since big bang is false because it doesn't take into account countless operations of the universe but simply attempts to take for granted that they are part of BB, the universe is scientifically a great big miracle. Such shouts GOD to us.


Or a blue eyed chipmunk with wings, you never know, LOL
full member
Activity: 298
Merit: 102
In any case, no matter what kind of research is being conducted at the moment, the necessary technologies already exist. The only obstacle to their conduct is our reluctance to recognize the likelihood that vaccines are not just a "magic medicine" for the production of specific antibodies. These are complex biological agents, the effect of which on the human body is practically not investigated and needs urgent study.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

If you believe in Allah, why are you not Muslim?

"Allah" is simply a translation of the word "God." I believe in God according to what is written in the Bible, not the Koran or the Hadith writings. The funny thing is that you believe in God, too. Only in your case, it is "god," because you are holding yourself up as god by attempting to believe that God doesn't exist, when you know that He might exist in many different places in the universe that you haven't examined, yet.


''I believe in God according to what is written in the Bible'' But why would anyone do that? Have you read all the books related to god and come up with the conclusion that somehow the bible is the real one? Please tell us how so we can do it too


As I have said before, it's because of the miraculous nature of all things Bible and Israel, that have scientifically been proven to be miraculous. In fact, since we don't know for a fact how the universe came into being, and since we can't begin to duplicate it, and since big bang is false because it doesn't take into account countless operations of the universe but simply attempts to take for granted that they are part of BB, the universe is scientifically a great big miracle. Such shouts GOD to us.


The irony of saying science has proved something to be a miracle is amazing. So you admit we don't know how the universe was created, that includes god. And how did science prove that the bible is miraculous exactly, I want to know about it.
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