
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 41. (Read 45532 times)

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

'Why would I need medicine?' So you think if you get an infection a life threatening infection and you don't treat you are going to be saved by god? You think believers have never died from diseases before? What the hell is your point here?

Your religion of science has no alternative to death. Bible religion delivers from death in two ways:
1. Deliverance from the immediate death, Luke 23:43:
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
2. Deliverance from eternal death in the destruction of the universe, Revelation 21:1:
Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Earthly death is simply a translation from one living form to another, but only for believers. Unbelievers will be held in chains of darkness...

2 Peter 2:4-10:
4For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.

... and ...

Jude 1:6:
And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Change your ways, now, so that you can have life.


Yeah that would be cool if god was real, you are unable to  prove his existence in the other thread, coming here and quoting the bible is not going to do it.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

'Why would I need medicine?' So you think if you get an infection a life threatening infection and you don't treat you are going to be saved by god? You think believers have never died from diseases before? What the hell is your point here?

Your religion of science has no alternative to death. Bible religion delivers from death in two ways:
1. Deliverance from the immediate death, Luke 23:43:
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
2. Deliverance from eternal death in the destruction of the universe, Revelation 21:1:
Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Earthly death is simply a translation from one living form to another, but only for believers. Unbelievers will be held in chains of darkness...

2 Peter 2:4-10:
4For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.

... and ...

Jude 1:6:
And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Change your ways, now, so that you can have life.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

But your point doesn't have anything to do with medical ideas. Your point is to defame people. Just happens to be me this time.

Why do you think that I have been kept safe for these many years? The Holy Spirit prays with me in my prayers and keeps me safe. Why would I need medicine?

LOL!  That triggers the fuck out of people who are conditioned by the Talmudics...which is most of population in most Western countries at this point in time.  Fun for everyone.

Romans 8:26:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

So, the Holy Spirit helps us, through prayer, with many things besides health, as well.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

No. People do not live far longer now than ever before. Groups like the Hunzas prove this. It doesn't have anything to do with cures for diseases. It has to do with good hygiene and good nutrition.

Medical disease cures are only activations of systems that are already in place. If we had better nutrition, etc., standard medical medication would be beat out 100% of the time.

When you suggest not going to a doctor or using drugs, you seem to be talking about the modern medical system. If that is the case, you are talking politics.

For example. Medical politics is trying to get people with cancer to go through chemo, radiation and surgery. But statistics show more people died from these than from the cancer. So why do people keep on going to their deaths with the medical's killers? Politics is keeping stats like this from people, so they don't realize that the medical is a killer. In addition, politics is making it very difficult for smarter people who understand the stats, to go the nutritional route for cures that work almost all the time.


You are arguing that all medicine is wrong so if you are so sure don't take any of it and don't go to a doctor ever again, see how that works out, stop being a hypocrite and do it, don't be a pussy, go pray to god see if he will cure you. But you won't because you are afraid and not stupid enough not to take medicine when you need it, hypocrite.

But your point doesn't have anything to do with medical ideas. Your point is to defame people. Just happens to be me this time.

Why do you think that I have been kept safe for these many years? The Holy Spirit prays with me in my prayers and keeps me safe. Why would I need medicine?


'Why would I need medicine?' So you think if you get an infection a life threatening infection and you don't treat you are going to be saved by god? You think believers have never died from diseases before? What the hell is your point here?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

But your point doesn't have anything to do with medical ideas. Your point is to defame people. Just happens to be me this time.

Why do you think that I have been kept safe for these many years? The Holy Spirit prays with me in my prayers and keeps me safe. Why would I need medicine?

LOL!  That triggers the fuck out of people who are conditioned by the Talmudics...which is most of population in most Western countries at this point in time.  Fun for everyone.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

No. People do not live far longer now than ever before. Groups like the Hunzas prove this. It doesn't have anything to do with cures for diseases. It has to do with good hygiene and good nutrition.

Medical disease cures are only activations of systems that are already in place. If we had better nutrition, etc., standard medical medication would be beat out 100% of the time.

When you suggest not going to a doctor or using drugs, you seem to be talking about the modern medical system. If that is the case, you are talking politics.

For example. Medical politics is trying to get people with cancer to go through chemo, radiation and surgery. But statistics show more people died from these than from the cancer. So why do people keep on going to their deaths with the medical's killers? Politics is keeping stats like this from people, so they don't realize that the medical is a killer. In addition, politics is making it very difficult for smarter people who understand the stats, to go the nutritional route for cures that work almost all the time.


You are arguing that all medicine is wrong so if you are so sure don't take any of it and don't go to a doctor ever again, see how that works out, stop being a hypocrite and do it, don't be a pussy, go pray to god see if he will cure you. But you won't because you are afraid and not stupid enough not to take medicine when you need it, hypocrite.

But your point doesn't have anything to do with medical ideas. Your point is to defame people. Just happens to be me this time.

Why do you think that I have been kept safe for these many years? The Holy Spirit prays with me in my prayers and keeps me safe. Why would I need medicine?

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

''My belief'' Your belief is meaningless.

My 'belief' was that BTC at $2 each was a good gamble, and I tried my best to express the reasons why here for the benefit of people who would listen.

My 'belief' is that the medical/industrial complex exists in a big way and that it does not have the best interests of the population at large at heart.  I've provided fairly detailed information that factors into my 'beliefs' about this.

At the end of the day, my own personal interests are served by the eugenicists.  Or they could be if I structured the rest of my life around their operations and the assumption that they will continue to be successful.  I 'believe' these operations to be unethical and would rather sacrifice some of my own opportunities and comforts if it means a less miserable life for the billions of my fellow humans.  Mother Earth is not yet to the point where their holocaust ('blood sacrifice' 'burnt offerings') is actually necessary and there are other options to be explored.  For now.  That is my 'belief'.
Edit: correction on the translation of the word 'holocaust'.  I remembered it wrong.  Similar in principle though.  A fair number of Jews were offered up in order to obtain statehood for Israel, but by the looks of things it was far fewer than the 6 million mythology produced for public consumption and rammed down our throats every few weeks.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

Oh, the horror of not having medicine available.  Surely we will all die prematurely without a steady supply of medicine.  And, or course, the societal infrastructure necessary to ensure that supply.  (Again, the 'Are we Brainwashed?' thread.)


And I have been smoking for 30 years and I don't have cancer therefore smoking doesn't cause cancer. What are you even talking about? You think someone sick with pulmonary infection or heart disease or AIDS or anything would survive without medicine? Are you dumb?

Actually, smoking doesn't 'cause cancer'.  What it does is to contributed statistically to a smoker's chances of getting cancer.  Smoking also contributes to other ailments.  I smoked for 10 years.  When I quit, it changed my health characteristics in noticeable and good ways.  (I simply started chewing tobacco exclusively when I went to work in an office as an engineer.)

My complaint about your post is that you seemed to be confident that badecker would die quickly if he stopped taking government authorized drugs from big pharma.  Since I doubt that you know the guy personally, it seems that you are one of many who consider all humans need to rely on alopathic medicine for survival.

My belief is that humans have the basic design to last around 80 years.  Some people wear out and fail in their 50's.  Some people go relatively strongly into their 100's.  We are seeing the classic bell curve that shows up in nature all over the place.

Historically we had more risks and life-ways threats.  More people died from accidents, war, and diseases for that reason, but still there were old-timers who go just about as long as people do today.  I hypothesize that human life-span characteristics evolved so that a segment of people made it well past their breeding years because their 'wisdom' helped a society be more competitive...and this advantage out-weighed the expense of feeding them.

Of course I believe that using the available tools to deal with a medical problem is fine and makes sense.  If it is modern technology pumped out by are technically advanced society, I'm fine with that and will do it myself if/when it is needed (but will evaluate all of my options, including archaic ones, first.)  My point is that it used to be the exception to require such services rather than the rule.

''My belief'' Your belief is meaningless. I don't know whether badecker will die faster if he stops taking medicine and going to see a doctor because he might never get sick, it's genetics, some people are like that. However if we are talking about the general population and you take 10 million and split them in half, one half goes to a doctor regularly and uses prescribed drugs when needed and the other half doesn't, the half that doesn't will have a shorter lifespan in the long term.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

Oh, the horror of not having medicine available.  Surely we will all die prematurely without a steady supply of medicine.  And, or course, the societal infrastructure necessary to ensure that supply.  (Again, the 'Are we Brainwashed?' thread.)


And I have been smoking for 30 years and I don't have cancer therefore smoking doesn't cause cancer. What are you even talking about? You think someone sick with pulmonary infection or heart disease or AIDS or anything would survive without medicine? Are you dumb?

Actually, smoking doesn't 'cause cancer'.  What it does is to contributed statistically to a smoker's chances of getting cancer.  Smoking also contributes to other ailments.  I smoked for 10 years.  When I quit, it changed my health characteristics in noticeable and good ways.  (I simply started chewing tobacco exclusively when I went to work in an office as an engineer.)

My complaint about your post is that you seemed to be confident that badecker would die quickly if he stopped taking government authorized drugs from big pharma.  Since I doubt that you know the guy personally, it seems that you are one of many who consider all humans need to rely on alopathic medicine for survival.

My belief is that humans have the basic design to last around 80 years.  Some people wear out and fail in their 50's.  Some people go relatively strongly into their 100's.  We are seeing the classic bell curve that shows up in nature all over the place.

Historically we had more risks and life-ways threats.  More people died from accidents, war, and diseases for that reason, but still there were old-timers who go just about as long as people do today.  I hypothesize that human life-span characteristics evolved so that a segment of people made it well past their breeding years because their 'wisdom' helped a society be more competitive...and this advantage out-weighed the expense of feeding them.

Of course I believe that using the available tools to deal with a medical problem is fine and makes sense.  If it is modern technology pumped out by are technically advanced society, I'm fine with that and will do it myself if/when it is needed (but will evaluate all of my options, including archaic ones, first.)  My point is that it used to be the exception to require such services rather than the rule.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).


My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

LOL! You haven't been looking and Natural News (, and thousands of other sites like her, have you. We are finding out by testing, that medicines are one of the big reasons why we are unhealthy... if we aren't smart enough to avoid them.

Medicine good for Astargath. Astargath take much more medicine. Astargath live long life this way. LOL!


Yet people live far longer now than before, we have way less premature deaths, we can cure diseases. Again, if you are so sure, don't go to a doctor ever again, don't take any drugs either, see how that works out for you.

No. People do not live far longer now than ever before. Groups like the Hunzas prove this. It doesn't have anything to do with cures for diseases. It has to do with good hygiene and good nutrition.

Medical disease cures are only activations of systems that are already in place. If we had better nutrition, etc., standard medical medication would be beat out 100% of the time.

When you suggest not going to a doctor or using drugs, you seem to be talking about the modern medical system. If that is the case, you are talking politics.

For example. Medical politics is trying to get people with cancer to go through chemo, radiation and surgery. But statistics show more people died from these than from the cancer. So why do people keep on going to their deaths with the medical's killers? Politics is keeping stats like this from people, so they don't realize that the medical is a killer. In addition, politics is making it very difficult for smarter people who understand the stats, to go the nutritional route for cures that work almost all the time.


You are arguing that all medicine is wrong so if you are so sure don't take any of it and don't go to a doctor ever again, see how that works out, stop being a hypocrite and do it, don't be a pussy, go pray to god see if he will cure you. But you won't because you are afraid and not stupid enough not to take medicine when you need it, hypocrite.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).


My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

LOL! You haven't been looking and Natural News (, and thousands of other sites like her, have you. We are finding out by testing, that medicines are one of the big reasons why we are unhealthy... if we aren't smart enough to avoid them.

Medicine good for Astargath. Astargath take much more medicine. Astargath live long life this way. LOL!


Yet people live far longer now than before, we have way less premature deaths, we can cure diseases. Again, if you are so sure, don't go to a doctor ever again, don't take any drugs either, see how that works out for you.

No. People do not live far longer now than ever before. Groups like the Hunzas prove this. It doesn't have anything to do with cures for diseases. It has to do with good hygiene and good nutrition.

Medical disease cures are only activations of systems that are already in place. If we had better nutrition, etc., standard medical medication would be beat out 100% of the time.

When you suggest not going to a doctor or using drugs, you seem to be talking about the modern medical system. If that is the case, you are talking politics.

For example. Medical politics is trying to get people with cancer to go through chemo, radiation and surgery. But statistics show more people died from these than from the cancer. So why do people keep on going to their deaths with the medical's killers? Politics is keeping stats like this from people, so they don't realize that the medical is a killer. In addition, politics is making it very difficult for smarter people who understand the stats, to go the nutritional route for cures that work almost all the time.

Activity: 3332
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
It is very alarming to read and know these stuffs about the statistical information of results about the study conducted among vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Well, I'm not an healthcare expert neither medical professional nor knowledgeable enough about these stuffs for me to give an educated statement. However, I would like to extent my opinion. I think that these should be recommended for further studies. Accuracy, precision, and consistency of the studies related to these must be pursue. Mainly because we do not want people to have a false alarm to the point that they won't believe any vaccines are effective. And, the root causes of the results were not also given attention. To wrap it up, it must have first a comprehensive, coherent, and unified studies for them to provide concrete conclusion regarding these.

The problem with these "studies" is that, the results can be skewed and hidden based on who is conducting it. I have little faith on such studies. In my place, millions of children are vaccinated every year, and complications occur in less than 0.0001% of them. So unless someone is able to convince me against vaccination, I am going to support the procedure.
full member
Activity: 574
Merit: 108
It is very alarming to read and know these stuffs about the statistical information of results about the study conducted among vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Well, I'm not an healthcare expert neither medical professional nor knowledgeable enough about these stuffs for me to give an educated statement. However, I would like to extent my opinion. I think that these should be recommended for further studies. Accuracy, precision, and consistency of the studies related to these must be pursue. Mainly because we do not want people to have a false alarm to the point that they won't believe any vaccines are effective. And, the root causes of the results were not also given attention. To wrap it up, it must have first a comprehensive, coherent, and unified studies for them to provide concrete conclusion regarding these.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).


My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

LOL! You haven't been looking and Natural News (, and thousands of other sites like her, have you. We are finding out by testing, that medicines are one of the big reasons why we are unhealthy... if we aren't smart enough to avoid them.

Medicine good for Astargath. Astargath take much more medicine. Astargath live long life this way. LOL!


Yet people live far longer now than before, we have way less premature deaths, we can cure diseases. Again, if you are so sure, don't go to a doctor ever again, don't take any drugs either, see how that works out for you.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

Oh, the horror of not having medicine available.  Surely we will all die prematurely without a steady supply of medicine.  And, or course, the societal infrastructure necessary to ensure that supply.  (Again, the 'Are we Brainwashed?' thread.)

I'm over 50 and have never had to use any sort of medicine to be alive.  One time I had a sinus infection which benefited greatly by amoxicillin.  I may have died from it without the medicine, but probably would not have.  And I got it in boot camp where I was packed together with people from all over the country and under some degree of stress.  Currently I sometimes use an antibiotic for specific and trivial reasons.  Mostly if I get bitten by a tick AND it makes me feel flu-like symptoms which has happened several times over the last 5 years.  Other than that no medicine at all and I've not been to see a doctor for about 10 years (other than to have her write me a prescription for the antibiotics which she does with no questions asked because she agrees with my risk analysis logic.)

I'm not saying that you young sprouts who have grown up under the heavy-vax eugenics programs don't need constant meds to keep you alive.  Lots of you probably do.  I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be this way and if it is a problem it is a fairly recent one...and not a problem at all for the class of people who hold corporate board seats at Merck, Pfizer, Bayer, GSK, etc,  These people are the real 'modern  Gods' so-to-speak.  You are to worship them and regurgitate their programming at every opportunity.

And I have been smoking for 30 years and I don't have cancer therefore smoking doesn't cause cancer. What are you even talking about? You think someone sick with pulmonary infection or heart disease or AIDS or anything would survive without medicine? Are you dumb?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
US healthcare system collapsing so rapidly that workers are now committing suicide in record numbers

An unprecedented number of medical professionals are committing suicide these days, and one doctor is concerned that not enough is being done both to address the problem and to prepare the victims’ colleagues to deal with this escalating crisis.

Comparing it to the current opioid epidemic, Dr. Vinita Parkash, an associate professor of pathology at the Yale School of Medicine tells the story in a recent piece for The Hill of her own junior colleague who committed suicide a little more than a week before her 35th birthday.

Dr. Parkash had been a mentor, of sorts, to the victim as she transitioned from her fellowship into practice. Upon receiving news of the suicide, Dr. Parkash says that her own department continued about its business as if nothing had happened.

That’s because physician suicides are becoming increasingly common, outpacing suicide rates in nearly every other segment of society. And while experts can’t pinpoint a precise cause, one of them, suggests Dr. Parkash, is the erosion of public trust in the medical profession.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).


My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

LOL! You haven't been looking and Natural News (, and thousands of other sites like her, have you. We are finding out by testing, that medicines are one of the big reasons why we are unhealthy... if we aren't smart enough to avoid them.

Medicine good for Astargath. Astargath take much more medicine. Astargath live long life this way. LOL!

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.

Oh, the horror of not having medicine available.  Surely we will all die prematurely without a steady supply of medicine.  And, or course, the societal infrastructure necessary to ensure that supply.  (Again, the 'Are we Brainwashed?' thread.)

I'm over 50 and have never had to use any sort of medicine to be alive.  One time I had a sinus infection which benefited greatly by amoxicillin.  I may have died from it without the medicine, but probably would not have.  And I got it in boot camp where I was packed together with people from all over the country and under some degree of stress.  Currently I sometimes use an antibiotic for specific and trivial reasons.  Mostly if I get bitten by a tick AND it makes me feel flu-like symptoms which has happened several times over the last 5 years.  Other than that no medicine at all and I've not been to see a doctor for about 10 years (other than to have her write me a prescription for the antibiotics which she does with no questions asked because she agrees with my risk analysis logic.)

I'm not saying that you young sprouts who have grown up under the heavy-vax eugenics programs don't need constant meds to keep you alive.  Lots of you probably do.  I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be this way and if it is a problem it is a fairly recent one...and not a problem at all for the class of people who hold corporate board seats at Merck, Pfizer, Bayer, GSK, etc,  These people are the real 'modern  Gods' so-to-speak.  You are to worship them and regurgitate their programming at every opportunity.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).


My god protects me from diseases, I don't have to be vaccinated. Go ahead and never take any medicine ever again, badecker, see how long you last alive.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
It's funny that people (badecker) who believe in 1 crazy shit (god) also usually believe in other crazy shit. Notbatman believes the earth is flat but that's not his only conspiracy theory, he also believes that giants lived here and other crazy shit.

Since you want to set yourself up as god by claiming (without proof) that God doesn't exist, the question is whether you were vaccinated with thymus materials designed to make you anti-yourself (anti-god).

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