Vaccine ingredients are known to cause brain damage. Robert Kennedy Jr. has been highlighting the
dangers of mercury as thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines and its relationship to autism.
The initial report that this all stems from was written about the MMR vaccine, was based on a tiny sample of children (12) and has been discredited and withdrawn due due to being fraudulent. The author had also developed his own measles vaccine and stood to benefit from discrediting the MMR vaccine.
I dont know where you live or what the Vaccines contain in your area, but in the UK Themirosal vaccines are no longer given to babies or young children. you read the studies that were taken out in European counrties after Thimerosal was removed? They show no correlation between a number of different ailments and vaccines. is much more evidence pointing towards vaccines being safe than there is to the contrary, and I'm not one to believe all the bullshit that these conspiracy theorists and alternative news sources like to spew.
If you have solid evidence that I can read then I am open to change my mind by all means.
Some CDC studies are known fraudulent. The thing about science is that once a producer has issued fraudulent or incomplete information, nothing they did before or since can be trusted. That's why they should not do it, but if you have a 7 figure job waiting for you at Merck when you get done with 'public service', I guess it was to much for the CDC chairwoman to resist.
Themirosal was removed mostly because the danger was to obvious. The last (and only) safety study here in the U.S. was done like 75 years ago. They injected like 12 people who were dying of encephalitis as a test. They all died of encephalitis and none due to mercury poisoning, thus themirosal was deemed 'safe'. It _is_ super effective as a preservative since it kills every living cell it comes in contact with. Unfortunately that includes living neurons in the brain.
Even now you cannot walk into a grocery store without hearing over the loudspeaker about 'get your flu shot today!', and see banners and flyers all over the place about it. At least in my area. These multi-use vials DO still contain themirosal, and they are highly recommended for pregnant women especially. (When I was a kid pregant women were not allowed to take so much as an aspirin.) I would note that in my nephews 4 grade class of maybe 25, a few of the kids are totally zombified. No hope for them. That's a pretty high percentage in my opinion.
Something weird is going on here my friends. The 'affluent' are picking up on it and that is where the resistance is coming from. The poor and the immigrants are not.
Here is a doctor/professor from a panel which happened to have a lot of known (((chosen people))) on it talking about vaccines:'s actually not terribly easy to find this clip on youtube any more. Lots of stuff is going AWOL on that platform within the last few years. Go figure. They talk a lot about needing very high vaccine uptake rates to protect 'our' children. It's actually a little ambiguous. Could easily be read (((our))) children by someone who has researched this subject in detail. Or by people who are in the 'chosen' group and can understand certain lingo.
Whatever the case, the U.S. is becoming less and less of a potential future competitor as more and more of the younger generations turn into zombies. This could pay huge dividends to up-n-coming world powers including those who dream of a world of goyim living under the 'Noahide laws' directed from the 'third temple'.